Friday, May 31, 2019
Hamlet: Growing Pains :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays
hamlet Growing Pains In the epic calamity hamlet, by William Shakespeare, Prince Hamlet is pin downped in a realness of evil that is not of his own creation. He must opposethis evil, which permeates his seemingly star-struck life from many angles. His dealing with his fathers eerie death cause Hamlet to put up up fast. His family,his sweetheart, and his school friends all appear to turn against him and toally themselves with the evil predicament in which Hamlet finds himself. Hamletmakes multiple attempts to avenge his fathers attain, but each(prenominal) fails becausehis fathers murder, but each fails because his plans are marred by very clementshortcomings. It is these shortcomings that Hamlet is a figure of ordinaryhumanity and give him the room he needs to grow. The Hamlet that Shakespeare begins to develop in Act I is a typicalmortal, bowed raze by his human infirmities and by a gross out of the evils in aworld which has led him to the brink of suicide. Hamlet voices his thoughts onthe issue O that this as well too solid flesh would melt... (I. ii. 135). Heis prevented from this drastic step only by a faith which teaches him that Godhas fixd/ His canon gainst self-slaughter (I. ii. 131-2). To Hamlet appearshis dead fathers spirit, and he must continue to live in the unweeded garden,/ That grows to seed in order to fulfill the obligation he has to his father(I.ii. 135-6). Making Hamlet more a tarradiddle of personal growth than a dark murder mystery,Shakespeare emphasizes the emotional, rather than the physical, obstacles thatPrince must face in accomplishing his goal. Immediately, Hamlet must determinewhether the ghost speaks the truth, and to do so he must cope with theologicalissues. He must settle the moral issue of private revenge. He must learn tolive in a world in which corruption could be as near as the person who gavebirth to him. He also must control the human passions within him which arealways threatening his plans. thither are no mo re sobering issues than thesewhich would catalyze growth in any human. Hamlets widely acknowledge hamartia, or tragic flaw, is his inability tomake decisions on subjects with consequences of any weight. That he is aware ofhis stagnation in such situations does prove to be helpful in defeating thisflaw. After passing up three oppotuities to entrap Claudius in the third act(the nunnery scene on which the king was eavesdropping, during The Murder ofGonzago, the scene in Gertrudes closet), Hamlet berates himself because of hisHamlet Growing Pains Shakespeare Hamlet Essays Hamlet Growing Pains In the epic tragedy Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, Prince Hamlet isentrapped in a world of evil that is not of his own creation. He must opposethis evil, which permeates his seemingly star-struck life from many angles. Hisdealings with his fathers eerie death cause Hamlet to grow up fast. His family,his sweetheart, and his school friends all appear to turn against him and toally themselves wit h the evil predicament in which Hamlet finds himself. Hamletmakes multiple attempts to avenge his fathers murder, but each fails becausehis fathers murder, but each fails because his plans are marred by very humanshortcomings. It is these shortcomings that Hamlet is a symbol of ordinaryhumanity and give him the room he needs to grow. The Hamlet that Shakespeare begins to develop in Act I is a typicalmortal, bowed down by his human infirmities and by a disgust of the evils in aworld which has led him to the brink of suicide. Hamlet voices his thoughts onthe issue O that this too too solid flesh would melt... (I. ii. 135). Heis prevented from this drastic step only by a faith which teaches him that Godhas fixd/ His canon gainst self-slaughter (I. ii. 131-2). To Hamlet appearshis dead fathers spirit, and he must continue to live in the unweeded garden,/ That grows to seed in order to fulfill the obligation he has to his father(I.ii. 135-6). Making Hamlet more a story of personal growth than a dark murder mystery,Shakespeare emphasizes the emotional, rather than the physical, obstacles thatPrince must face in accomplishing his goal. Immediately, Hamlet must determinewhether the ghost speaks the truth, and to do so he must cope with theologicalissues. He must settle the moral issue of private revenge. He must learn tolive in a world in which corruption could be as near as the person who gavebirth to him. He also must control the human passions within him which arealways threatening his plans. There are no more sobering issues than thesewhich would catalyze growth in any human. Hamlets widely recognized hamartia, or tragic flaw, is his inability tomake decisions on subjects with consequences of any weight. That he is aware ofhis stagnation in such situations does prove to be helpful in defeating thisflaw. After passing up three oppotuities to entrap Claudius in the third act(the nunnery scene on which the king was eavesdropping, during The Murder ofGonzago, the scen e in Gertrudes closet), Hamlet berates himself because of his
Thursday, May 30, 2019
T.S. Eliot’s American Dream :: essays research papers
T.S. Eliots American DreamThomas Stearns Eliot was born to a very remarkable naked as a jaybird England family on folk 26, 1888, in St. Louis, Missouri. His father, Henry ware, was a very successful businessman and his mother, Charlotte Stearns Eliot, was a poetess. While visiting Great Britain in 1915, World War I started and Eliot took up a permanent residency there. In 1927, he became a British citizen. While living in Britain, Eliot met and married Vivienne Haigh -Wood and at world-class everything was wonderful among them. Then he found out that Vivienne was very ill, both physically and mentally. In 1930, Vivienne had a mental breakdown and was confined to a mental hospital until her death in 1947. Her death was very hard on Eliot and he died on January 4, 1965. Most of Eliots works were produced from the emotional difficulties from his marriage. Because of Eliots economic status, he attended only the finest schools while growing up. He attended S mith Academy in St. Louis and Milton Academy in Massachusetts. In 1906, he started his freshman class at Harvard University canvassing philosophy and literature. He received his bachelors degree in philosophy in only triad years. Eliot went on to study at the University of Oxford and also at the Sorbonne in Paris. At the Sorbonne, he found inspiration from writers such as Dante and Shakespeare and also from ancient literature, modern font philosophy and east mysticism. Eliots first poem he wrote was The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock in 1915. Eliot converted his religion to Anglo - Catholicism and in 1927, his poetry took on new unearthly meaning. Ash Wednesday was the first poem he wrote after his conversion in 1930. It is said that it traces the pattern of Eliots spiritual progress. It strives to make connections among the earthly and the eternal, the playscript of man and the Word of God and the emphasis is on the struggle toward belief. Thus tell ing us that God is part of Eliots American dream.Other poems Eliot has write are Portrait of a Lady (1915), Mr. Apollinax (1916), Sweeny Among the Nightingales (1918), and Four Quartets (1943) which he believed to be his greatest achievement. Eliot also wrote the play "Murder in the duomo" (1935). It was about the finish of Thomas Becket and was later turned into a film in 1952. Other plays written by Eliot are "The Family Reunion" (1939), "The Cocktail Party" (1949), "The unavowed Clerk" (1953), and "The elderberry bush Statesman" (1959).T.S. Eliots American Dream essays research papersT.S. Eliots American DreamThomas Stearns Eliot was born to a very remarkable New England family on September 26, 1888, in St. Louis, Missouri. His father, Henry Ware, was a very successful businessman and his mother, Charlotte Stearns Eliot, was a poetess. While visiting Great Britain in 1915, World War I started and Eliot took up a permanent residency t here. In 1927, he became a British citizen. While living in Britain, Eliot met and married Vivienne Haigh -Wood and at first everything was wonderful between them. Then he found out that Vivienne was very ill, both physically and mentally. In 1930, Vivienne had a mental breakdown and was confined to a mental hospital until her death in 1947. Her death was very hard on Eliot and he died on January 4, 1965. Most of Eliots works were produced from the emotional difficulties from his marriage. Because of Eliots economic status, he attended only the finest schools while growing up. He attended Smith Academy in St. Louis and Milton Academy in Massachusetts. In 1906, he started his freshman year at Harvard University studying philosophy and literature. He received his bachelors degree in philosophy in only three years. Eliot went on to study at the University of Oxford and also at the Sorbonne in Paris. At the Sorbonne, he found inspiration from writers such as Dan te and Shakespeare and also from ancient literature, modern philosophy and eastern mysticism. Eliots first poem he wrote was The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock in 1915. Eliot converted his religion to Anglo - Catholicism and in 1927, his poetry took on new spiritual meaning. Ash Wednesday was the first poem he wrote after his conversion in 1930. It is said that it traces the pattern of Eliots spiritual progress. It strives to make connections between the earthly and the eternal, the word of man and the Word of God and the emphasis is on the struggle toward belief. Thus telling us that God is part of Eliots American dream.Other poems Eliot has written are Portrait of a Lady (1915), Mr. Apollinax (1916), Sweeny Among the Nightingales (1918), and Four Quartets (1943) which he believed to be his greatest achievement. Eliot also wrote the play "Murder in the Cathedral" (1935). It was about the murder of Thomas Becket and was later turned into a film in 1 952. Other plays written by Eliot are "The Family Reunion" (1939), "The Cocktail Party" (1949), "The Confidential Clerk" (1953), and "The Elder Statesman" (1959).
The American Dream in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, and The Gre
The American Dream in dying of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, and The Great Gatsby by F. Scott FitzgeraldIn a volume of literature written in the 20th century, the theme of the American Dream has been a prevalent theme. This dream affects the plot and characters of many novels, and in some books, the draped of the author is to expatiate the reality of the American Dream. However, there is no one definition of the American Dream. Is it the right to pursue your hearts wish, to have freedom to do whatever makes one happy? Or is it the materialistic dream prevalent in the 50s, and portrayed in such movies as Little Shop of Horrors? Or is the American Dream a thought so intangible, it changes in the heart of every person and can never be truly defined? Or is it an American Dream at all, is it simply a human drive to pursue a better life? In the book, The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and the play Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, the writers portray two co mpletely different literary works which have an amazing connection. Both works are written to illustrate two viewpoints on the American Dream either the pursuit of happiness, or the pursuit of material wealth. In both literary works, the authors show a compare between these two visions of the American Dream, and in the end, the authors message is the same the American dream cannot be a materialistic goal. Or, should not. For many Americans, the American Dream is a 2-door garage in a suburb, but as illustrated in the literary works, this sort of an American Dream leads to unhappiness, depression, and in the case of Willy Loman, suicide. In The Great Gatsby, it is Daisy who has a materialistic dream. She loved Gatsby. When he was a soldier, she loved him, but Gatsby knew he could never marry her, because of class. So, Daisy married Tom Buchanan, a wealthy man, a legal looking man, but Daisy did not love him. In the book, Daisy is miserable. She knows Tom is having an affair, and she often cries. She wishes for her young lady to be a beautiful little fool( Gatsby 21) so that her daughter will not be smart seemly to be unhappy. Daisy loves Gatsby, but she loves her lifestyle. And when she had the decision between the two, she chose her lifestyle, and she will regret her decision time and again. The concept of the American... ...attered, enough so that he could see who his father truly was. Biff had to reevaluate his life, and he came to a realization To devote your life to keeping stock, or qualification phone calls, or selling or buying. To suffer fifty weeks a year for the sake of a two week vacation, when all you want is to be outdoors( Death 139). Biff came to the conclusion that humans were not meant to work in pursuit of this economic goal, but were meant to work outside. His father could never fill that, and if Willy had, the story would have had a much different ending. The American Dream ha s no singular definition, but a multitude of interpretations. Yet, in these two completely different literary works, the authors share the same message the American Dream should not be a materialistic goal, but a goal in pursuit of true, spiritual happiness. This is shown in both Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, and The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Both authors feel very strongly about the issue, as do many other authors writing today, who fear American Economic views could doom the human race to a meaningless existence. With an ending not in like manner dissimilar from Brave New World.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Bartleby the Scrivener: Lawyer Double Essay -- Literary Analysis, Bart
Bartleby the Scrivener, by Herman Melville is a novella about a nameless lawyer who has in his exercise a scrivener named Bartleby. Bartleby, throughout the novella, has different periods of work. In the beginning, he does his scrivening without reprimand or without hesitation, but as the novella progresses his attitude toward work changes drastically. Mordecai Marcus critical look for on the novella makes several(prenominal) good points, such that Bartleby is a psychological double for the lawyer, he represents a subliminal death drive within himself, and the affair between absolutism and free will. All three of these points are attributed to Bartleby because he represents each respectively. In Mordecai Marcus critical essay on Bartleby the Scrivener, he takes the stand that Bartleby is a psychological double for the nameless lawyer. While progressing through the novella, Bartleby begins to slow down and eventually stops working altogether. The Lawyer doesnt know what to do c hiefly because, Bartlebys power over the lawyer quickly grows as the story progresses. (Marcus 1) When the lawyer first hired Bartleby, he was a tenacious young worker, at that place was no pause for digestion. He ran a day and night line, copying by sunlight and by candlelight. (Melville 16) This is in the beginning of the novella right later on the lawyer had hired him. Bartleby, to the lawyer, doesnt seem to have any other ambitions rather than scrivening for him. But all of that begins to change when Bartleby begins to not want to do some of the tasks the lawyer asks him to do. The first instance of this is when he is asked to proofread one of the copies he just completed, rapidly stating what it was I wanted him to do namely, to examine a smaller paper with meBartleb... ...ast. But again obeying that wondrous ascendancy which the inscrutable scrivener had over me (Melville 44) Again, the lawyer is amazed at the amount of power Bartleby has over him. Bartleby, without in r eality doing anything, has taken away most of the lawyers free will and in turn feed his own absolutism.The novella is set in sweet York City in a Wall Street law office both Bartleby and the lawyer represent characters of New York. Bartleby represents a type of person who is excited to come to a new city but then gets ground down into the daily routine of the city and begins to loose the will to work. The lawyer, on the other hand, represents the quintessential New Yorker, owning his own business and trying to succeed in a city that is famous for crushing spirits. Both Bartleby and the lawyer represent true characters within the theoretical account of the city of New York.
Masters, Slaves, and Subjects Essay -- Robert Olwell Charles Towne Ess
Masters, Slaves, and Subjects In his book Masters, Slaves, and Subjects, Robert Olwell examines the complex relationships and power structures of colonial-era Charles Towne. Charles Towne, as Charleston was known in the years between its inception and its independence from the British Empire, is portrayed by Olwell as dominated by a rigid agrarian slave society which served as an intermediary in a more complex power structure that extended from the royal halls of capital of the United Kingdom to the plantation fields of the Lowcountry. In examining the complicated web of relationships between London and the colony, and Masters and Slaves, Olwell argues that the economic and political structure of Charles Towne was based upon a successive series of carefully-maintained power-based relationships. CHARLES TOWNE A GATEWAY TO POWER Power in Charles Towne was centralized at what became known as the Four Corners of Law, at Broad and Meeting Streets, and radiated outward across the Lowcountry. The Four Corners were home to the State House, where the Colonial Assembly met, St. Michaels Church, the boob of the Church of England in the colony, the Town Watch House, which kept the slave population in check, and the public market distinguish, where the commerce that was rattling to the colonys economy took place (19). One could easily see power was centralized within Charleston, not just over the local area, but also statewide. Of the forty-eight members of the colonial Assembly, cardinal lived within a days horse ride of the city. Half of the justices of the colony, who took an oath to defend King and Country, were either sitting or motive members of the Assembly, and all of the justices were slave owners (... ...constitution officially separated church and state, ending the power of the Anglican Church forever (282). With this, the last ties to Mother England were cast off, and the elite were touch on as Masters of their wo rld, and Subjects to none.CONCLUSION Colonial Charles Towne had evolved into a sort of fuedal city-state governed by power-based relationships, which established roles for everyone from the lowest slave to the economic and political elite who ruled the colony. These relationships were vital to the success and stability of the city and the lands and the people over which it held power. In his book, Robert Olwell clearly identified defines the roles of Master, Slave, and Subject, and made a strong argument that, right or wrong, this system of power-based relationships was the key to the success, prosperity, and security of the colony.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Free Essays - A Tale of Two Cities - Critical Analysis :: Tale Two Cities Essays
A Tale of dickens Cities - Critical Analysis In 1859, Charles Dickens wrote the book A Tale of Two Cities. In A Tale, Dickens writes about the French Revolution, and relates the events in the lives of two families, one French and one English. In addition to writing about a very interesting fiction plot, Dickens also tied in a wide variety of important themes and sub plots that keep the reader provoke as well as represent very valuable lessons for us even today. He chose very archetypical characters for the book, altogether strengthening or portraying one of the themes. The principal(prenominal) themes are revenge, courage and sacrifice, and resurrection. One theme involves revenge the evil effects of revenge bring out ones bad side. Although it occurs many generation in A Tale, Madame Defarge is the main character representing this theme. Her sister and mother were assaulted by the brothers Evr&233monde. After this, she vows to herself that all members of the Evr&233monde family will die. She turns into a ruthless killer because she must sire revenge. When her husband tells her to stop, she replies, tell the wind and fire to stop, not me (pg 338). We now see that she is a person teeming with hatred. Revenge is so powerful. When she found out Charles Darnay is an Evr&233monde and is readying to marry Lucie Manette, she began to knit his name into the shroud she was making, symbolizing his impending death. Also, she tried to kill Lucie and her daughter, just because they were related to an Evr&233monde, even though Darnay (Evr&233monde) denounced his heritage and disconnected all relationships to them. Lucie was in a state of mourning so Defarge jumped on the situation. She will be at home, awaiting the moment of his death. She will be mourning and grieving. She will be in a state of mind to impeach the justice of the Republic. She will be full of sympathy with its enemies. I will go to her. (p. 349)She had no mercy, her main goal was to k ill all descendants of the Evr&233monde family, women and children included and even non-blood relatives. At the end of the novel, she receives an end fitting her ways she was killed by Ms. Pross, who is the epitome of love and kindness. It is manifest from here that Dickens believed that good would always win over bad.
Free Essays - A Tale of Two Cities - Critical Analysis :: Tale Two Cities Essays
A Tale of Two Cities - Critical Analysis In 1859, Charles Dickens wrote the disc A Tale of Two Cities. In A Tale, Dickens writes ab let out the French Revolution, and relates the events in the lives of two families, one French and one English. In add-on to writing about a very interesting fiction plot, Dickens also tied in a wide variety of important themes and stand in plots that keep the reader interested as well as portraying very valuable lessons for us even today. He chose very archetypical characters for the book, entirely strengthening or portraying one of the themes. The main themes are revenge, courage and sacrifice, and resurrection. One theme involves revenge the evil effects of revenge bring out ones bad side. Although it occurs many times in A Tale, Madame Defarge is the main character representing this theme. Her sister and mother were assaulted by the brothers Evr&233monde. After this, she vows to herself that all members of the Evr&233monde family go away di e. She turns into a ruthless killer because she must get revenge. When her husband tells her to stop, she replies, tell the wind and fire to stop, not me (pg 338). We now see that she is a person teeming with hatred. Revenge is so powerful. When she found out Charles Darnay is an Evr&233monde and is planning to marry Lucie Manette, she began to knit his name into the shroud she was making, symbolizing his impending death. Also, she tried to kill Lucie and her daughter, just because they were related to an Evr&233monde, even though Darnay (Evr&233monde) denounced his heritage and disconnected all relationships to them. Lucie was in a state of mourning so Defarge jumped on the situation. She will be at home, awaiting the moment of his death. She will be mourning and grieving. She will be in a state of mind to impeach the justice of the Republic. She will be full of sympathy with its enemies. I will go to her. (p. 349)She had no mercy, her main goal was to kill all descendan ts of the Evr&233monde family, women and children included and even non-blood relatives. At the end of the novel, she receives an end fitting her ways she was killed by Ms. Pross, who is the epitome of love and kindness. It is evident from here that Dickens believed that good would always win over bad.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Contiki Tours : Marketing Strategy Analysis Essay
Contiki Tours is an organisation that offers packaged holidays to a variety of local and internationalistic destinations. Their targeted market is modified by age. Clients must be between 18 and 35 years old. The outline will focus on Contiki *s Australian market for international holidays. Contiki have adopted a concentrated marketing strategy in identifying market segments. This means that they have elected to focus their marketing efforts on gaining a high sh be of one particular segment of the market (i.e. 18-35 year olds). The advantage of such a strategy is that it allows specialisation which may produce economies in production, distribution and promotion. However, it does entail some risks in that market needs can change or competitors may enter the segment. The risks and benefits of this strategy will be examined more closely in the analysis of the marketing mix. Product In order to assess the effectiveness of Contikis marketing strategy it is important to understand the genius of the product offered by the organisation in terms of the benefits that it provides. Broadly, it is a service product (eg. flight, bus trip, food preparation) although elements of the product are physical (eg. food, t-shirts).It is a oddity product given that it meets a specialised need and consumers are willing to spend quite some time searching for and evaluating. It is also purchased infrequently. It would also be considered a high involvement product due to the relatively high risks of purchase. The notion of purchase risk will be explored in more full stop in an analysis of consumer behaviour. Price The nature of the product, characteristics of the target market, and consumer behaviour each have important implications for pricing. It should be noted that the price paid for the product by the consumer involves more than the nominal price (i.e. the price tag). As well as the money paid for the product, consumers endure time costs and must expend behavioural and cognit ive effort. Cognitive effort may involve the customer dealing with some of the risks of purchase (Ross, 1984). There are a number of implications of this analysis for Contiki. Firstly, the organisation can manage the price that consumers pay by minimising the time, behavioural and cognitive effort that is used buying the product.By decreasing the costs to the consumer, Contiki is suitable to increase the perceived take to be of their product to consumers. Over-the-phone or internet information and booking services would decrease the time taken in actually purchasing the product, and therefore the cost of the product to the consumer. Also, convenient agent locations would minimise the behavioural effort for consumers. Contiki attempt to coordinate with a wide range of travel agencies who are educated by Contiki sales staff on product attributes (the distribution channel and its implications for pricing with be covered more thoroughly in a later section of this analysis). It should be recognised, however, that many consumers derive utility from extensive cognitive involvement in the purchase process.For example, some customers may enjoy discussing at length with consultants, their itinerary and travel options. To the extent that this occurs, friendly and knowledgeable travel consultants should be an integral part of Contikis product offering. In order to give this, promotion (i.e. personal selling) to the distribution channel should be emphasised. From this discussion it is evident that the interaction between consultant and customer is a key aspect of the value delivery sequence. Increasing perceived value involves managing the people or participants in the consumption process (Berry, 1980 Booms & Bitner, 1981).
Sunday, May 26, 2019
State-funded faith schools
This paper will look at the manner in which state-funded piety civilises came into being in the United Kingdom. It will reason that political science educational policy and its in-migration and integrating policies play a cardinal function in finding the demand for the planning of province religion schools.The province support of religion schools has a long history in the United Kingdom. The National family of the church service of England founded 17,000 schools to offer knowledge to the hapless between 1811 and1860. ( DfES, p.2 ) The province support of these schools began in 1870 when Church and other voluntary establishments began to have financess to supplement and help them in their educational proviso. ( Cush, p.435 )As at January 2008, of the 20,587 m aintained primary and secondary schools in the UK, 6,827 have a spiritual character and of these nine atomic number 18 Moslem. ( Bolton, 2009, Table 1 ) There ar three types of schools with spiritual character in the UK maintained, academies and independent schools with the province providing support for the first two. Maintained schools are either volunteer controlled which government agency the Local Education Authority provides all the support in return for control largely over spiritual learning and administration ( most Church of England schools are voluntary controlled ) and voluntary aided where the province provides 90 % of the support for more control over spiritual instruction and administration ( most other denominations fall into this manakin, particularly Roman Catholic schools ) . ( Cush p. 435-436 ) . Christian and Judaic religion schools were the lone religion schools having province support until 1998 when the Islamia schooldayss Trust, after a conflict of 12 old ages, was awarded voluntary aided position for its schools. Whilst there are merely nine province funded Muslim schools, there are over 100 Muslim schools in Britain. These independent schools tend to organize their attempts through the Association of Muslim Schools.On November 11th, 2007 during Prime Minister s Questions, the authorities stated that sing instruction it is committed to a diverse system of schools driven by parental demands and aspirations that the Government does non hold marks for conviction schools alone remains committed to cover version uping the constitution of new schools by a scope of suppliers. ( Bolton, 2009, p.14 ) Reaffirming the Government s place on religion schools, Ed Balls, the so Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families verbalize on January 9th, 2008 It is non the policy of the Government or my Department to advance more faith schools. We have no policy to spread out their Numberss. That should be a affair for local communities. ( Bolton, 2009, p.16 )The thrust for near members of the Muslim lodge towards their ain religion schools needs to be understood in visible radiation of the land of Muslim migration into the UK, their subse quent integrating and recent universe outlets. The first Muslims geting from South Asia in the 1950s were semi-skilled or unskilled laborers. They had a inclination to remain insulated from the wider club this being every bit much a map of their ain pick as a response to the racism and societal exclusion they were sing. ( Hefner, p.227 ) accompanying unfastened in-migration policies of the 1970s allowed their households to follow and now 75 % of all Muslims in the UK are from South Asia. Harmonizing to the 2001 nose count, the about 1.6 million British Moslems refer up approximately 3 % of the population. ( Hefner, p. 227 ) In the UK, Muslim has become synonymous with Pakistani .Third coevals British-born Muslim households no longer believe of themselves as immigrants, although what it means to be a British Muslim is still a construct being negotiated. Our individualities are defined as much by our ain apprehension of our histories as by how we think others perceive us. In recent old ages, the individuality of Muslims has been tied up with universe events and striking representations in the media. Since family 11th, 2001, Muslims have been bombarded by an overpoweringly hostile media and a authorities seemingly captive on encroaching on the autonomies and human rights of its Muslim citizens. Salma Hafejee described an event that evoked non uncommon feelings in her 21 twelvemonth old boy. Talking on a movie for Our Lifes , a undertaking which explored the penetrations and experiences of Muslim adult females in Bradford, she told the narrative of a weekend visit her boy took to Barcelona. Coincidently, on the weekend of his trip there had been a series of apprehensions made in Barcelona in linkup with what had been described as terrorist activities. On his return place, her boy was met by constabularies and questioned for several hours. She said he had ever felt British and believed that his British passport would treasure him, but for the first cli p he felt an foreigner in his ain place. ( Speak-it, 2009 ) One can good conceive of that this experience and the changeless bombing of negative images associating to his religion in the media must hold been perplexing. Naturally surrounded by such ill will and other ised in this manner, a community would hold a inclination to shut ranks and look inward for comfort, protection and security.This state of affairs can be seen as virtually justification for why the Muslim community turned to Muslim schools to continue their communal individuality and Muslim patterns. The Education Reform Act 1988 provinces that schools should advance the religious, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of students at the school and in nine Some Muslims were get downing to oppugn whether a non-Muslim schooling environment would be able to adequately tolerate through that demand for their joshs. The Education Act of 1944 made faith the lone topic it was mandatory to learn in school, bu t the instruction of faith is comparatively superficial, intending that from the position of those for whom a spiritual ethos is of import, mainstream schools are unable to allow the religious and spiritual dimension adequately.How authoritiess deal with the proviso of faith does look to hold some bearing on the educational picks of parents. An scrutiny of Belgium and The Netherlands shows that when the authorities proviso of spiritual instruction is high, the demand for spiritual schools is muted. In Belgium, 4 % of the population is Muslim chiefly of Turkish or Moroccan descent. Since 1975, it has been the commandment to supply Islamic com mission in province schools on the same footing as other faiths are taught. The first, and merely, province funded Islamic primary school opened in 1989 and seems to be linked to the inability of two municipalities to name officially re have sexd instructors and thereby their refusal to supply Islamic direction. In The Netherlands, 6 % of t he population is Muslim and besides chiefly of Turkish or Moroccan descent. The province does non hold a policy for the proper(postnominal) proviso of Islamic direction and there are 45 Islamic schools in The Netherlands. ( Merry, 2005 )In the UK, the deficiency of equal proviso of spiritual instruction in mainstream province schools, the ill will of the media, the authorities and the populace to their religion and community, and the recorded underachievement of Pakistanis in mainstream schools combine to organize a powerful incentive for Muslim parents to blast over control of the instruction of their kid.Given the UK authorities s expansive rhetoric about advancing and back uping Britain to be a multi-cultural society, and its declared allegiance to a diverse system of schools driven by parental demands and aspirations, the support of Muslim province funded schools is an easy stretch.But an in agreement definition of a multicultural society seems deplorably missing. The authori ties has a policy of advancing multiculturalism but if it is unable to specify what a multicultural society could look like, how does it cognize that the policies it is advancing are effectual to run intoing this terminal? Today s multicultural Britain has many faces dependent mostly on ethnicity, geographics and societal category, which in bend is one of the determiners of educational accomplishment. Is multicultural merely the recognition of diverseness in our society or is it an battle with that diverseness to make a society that is pluralistic? Does it intend that we are all free to populate in our ain sub-worlds without interface with the wider community or does it intend that we are encouraged to affiance with each other? Where is the yarn that binds us as citizens if we live wholly culturally independent lives?This was a inquiry that was lambastd by Ray Honeyford more than twenty old ages ago and it is still a inquiry that warrants turn toing thoughtfully today. In 1982 Br adford Council effectd guidelines for its purpose in instruction. These included preparing kids for a life in a multicultural society countering racism and the inequalities of favoritism developing the strengths of cultural and lingual diverseness and reacting to the demands of minority groups.Ray Honeyford was a headteacher in a Bradford middle(a) school and he was concerned that the educational policies he was expected to implement were impracticable. He argued that the 20 % of Bradford s Islamic immigrant population had purposes to stay in Britain. For their fill and for the interest of others, they should take part to the full in British life, and that in order to make so efficaciously their instruction needed to emphasize the primacy of the incline linguistic communication, and British subtlety, history and traditions. ( Dalrymple, 2002 ) In 1984, Honeyford wrote an denomination that was rejected by The Times Educational Supplement before being published by the removed right Salisbury Review. The fact that it was this publication that was the first method of transmittal connoted a batch to its readers and no uncertainty would hold influenced the subsequent reading of the article itself. In Education and Race an Alternate position Honeyford ( 2006 ) suggested that the perversion of linguistic communication ( he had a Masters in linguistics ) around melt down and cultural tax returns had made it impossible to talk candidly about the concerns and worlds that our progressively diverse society was throwing up. He highlighted that chunking together all non-whites into one class that was black created a duality of anti-white solidarity. What we, today, name other -ing. His primary concern was the impact of an imposed multicultural mentality on the instruction of his pupils. British jurisprudence obliges a parent to guarantee that his or her kid is registered and attends school on a regular basis. He argued that the inclination for Asiatic house holds to take their kids out of school and direct them to the sub-continent for months at a clip was non merely illegal but had obvious negative educational effects. The Department of Education and Science turned a unsighted oculus go forthing headteachers, like Honeyford, to follow with an attending policy based on the parent s state of beginning. He found this unwarranted and cast it as an officially canonic policy of racial favoritism. ( Honeyford, 2006 ) Honeyford farther highlighted that the absence of English as a primary linguistic communication of direction at the school left the cultural white minority pupils in his schools educationally disadvantaged. His broader concern was how the operation of interior metropoliss with its production of cultural ghettos, and multi-racial educational policies could take forth an integrated and harmonious society. He concluded I suspect that these elements, far from assisting to bring forth harmoniousness, are, in world, runing to b ring forth a perceive of atomization and strife. And I am no longer convinced that the British mastermind for via media, for puddling though, and for good natured tolerance will be sufficient to decide the fateful tensenesss. ( Honeyford, 2006 )Post-publication, Honeyford endured a drawn-out and acrimonious run against him taking to his eventual early retirement. The acerb response to his averments for better and more integrative instruction did non raise the authorities action. Issues raised by the Honeyford Affair continue to be debated more than two decennaries subsequently. Honeyford s tough and brave inquiring of issues that the authorities was excessively uncomfortable to raise and seek and work through have left a permanent vacuity on integrating and the harmonious and multicultural universe we reasonably aspire to.In visible radiation of these personal businesss, the argument on religion schools which preponderantly relates to keep schools leads us foremost to inqu ire what the purpose and intent of instruction is. Is instruction intended to supply us with accomplishments for employment, in which instance it is driven by a practical measurable end product? Or is in intended for, as Aristotle called it, human booming? And are these two needfully reciprocally sole? If instruction is deemed a human right, so what function does the kid drama in finding the instruction that he receives? These inquiries do nt look to hold been straight touched upon by those debating the desirableness of religion schools.Given the faith school argument touches on countries of instruction, political relations and faith it is improbable to be a cold-eyed 1. Most of the argument is opinion- instead than evidence-based ( Cush p.440 ) and authors on the issue repeatedly bemoan the deficiency of empirical grounds to confirm claims from either side. As Moslems are going acutely cognizant of their minority position, the thrust towards Islamic schools is every bit much a resp onse to the onslaught on their individuality as it is about the ethos of instruction. Harmonizing to Heffner and Zaman ( 2007, p. 228 ) In recent old ages, the issue of Islamic instruction has been a critical portion of the argument about what it means to be a British Muslim today and an of import terrain in the dialogue of individuality, citizenship and co-existence. Mainstream instruction tends to see the universe though an Anglo-saxon lens and accomplishments are Europeanised. The survey of the parts made by Muslim bookmans over the centuries in many capable countries is a encouragement to self-esteem and those naming for Muslim schools are looking for a alteration in the manner the universe is viewed. The mission statement of the Islamia Trust Schools states that it strive s to supply the best instruction in a secure Islamic environment through the cognition and covering of the Quran and Sunnah. ( Islamia ) What this requires is a reconception of the manner in which any to pic can be taught, negociating as it must through the Quran and the Sunnah. The statement being made is that Muslim kids are going de-Islamised ( Khan-Cheema, p.83 ) and that mainstream schools are neglecting to supply an ethos in which all, non merely secular, facets of a kid s life are catered for. Concern for the deficiency of individual sex proviso in the mainstream for miss is besides voiced as a concern and a ground for necessitating the proviso of Muslim schools. The academic underachievement of Pakistanis in mainstream schools is good recognised, but their accomplishment in religion schools is good above norm ( Bolton, 2009 ) . The direct connexion associating improved academic consequences and faith schools should be made carefully as academic accomplishment is besides liked to the economic and societal category of the household.The instance against Muslim religion schools is a obliging one. Those contending this place say that these schools are a genteelness land for funda mentalist and intolerant spiritual positions that are non inclusive of the bulk. They propagate segregation and voluntary apartheid and create ghettos which exclude other races and religions, whence making societal division. With Islam about universally cast as a menace to universe order this raises inquiries associating to citizenship and trueness. Those in this cantonment may pull some of their inspiration from the place Honeyford took on the demand to incorporate instead than segregate more than 2 decennaries ago.Why would, and how could, an immigrant who lands in the UK who is able to make for himself an environment that reflects culturally, socially, and educationally the one which he left, have any chance to construct trueness to his host state. Clearly the authorities s place on what a multicultural Britain would look like demands to be debated much more openly if merely so we can seek and understand how we will acquire at that place. A individualistic each-to-his ain pol icy can non certainly supply the manner frontward. The inquiries Honeyford asked more than 20 old ages ago, unsavory as they were, are inquiries we might lead to inquire once more today.MentionsBolton, Paul & A Gillie, Christine ( 2009 ) . creed schools admittances and public presentation. House of Commons Library Standard Note SN/SG/4405Cush, Denise ( 2005 ) . Reappraisal The Faith Schools Debate. British Journal of Sociology and Education, Vol.26, No.3 ( Jul.,2005 ) , pp. 435-442Department for Children, Schools and Families ( DfES ) . Faith in the System The function of schools with a spiritual character in English instruction and society.Hefner, Robert W. & A Zaman, Muhammad Q. ( 2007 ) Schooling Muslimism The civilization and political relations of Modern Muslim Education. Princeton University Press.Hewer, Chris ( 2001 ) . Schools for Muslims. Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 27, No. 4, The State, Schools and pietism ( Dec. , ) 2001 ) , pp.515-527Hewitt, Ibrahim ( 1996 ) . The Case for Muslim Schools in Issues in Islamic Education. The Muslim Educational Trust, London.Hussain, Imitiaz, A. ( 2003 ) , Migration and resoluteness A Historical Perspective of Loyalty and Belonging in British Moslems Loyalty and Belonging, ed Mohammad Siddique Seddon, Dilwar Hussain, Nadeem Malik. The Islamic Foundation, Leicestershire.Khan-Cheema, Muhammad, A. ( 1996 ) . British Muslims in State Schools a autocratic manner frontward in Issues in Islamic Education. The Muslim Educational Trust, London.Lawson, Ibrahim ( 2005 ) . Leading Muslim Schools in the UK A challenge for us all. National College for School Leadership.Merry, Michael S. & A Driessen, Geert ( 2005 ) . Muslim Schooling in Three Western States Policy and Procedure. Comparative Education, Vol. 41, No. 4 ( Nov. , 2005 ) , pp. 411-432Parker, Stephen ( 2005/2006 ) . Reappraisal In Good Religion Schools, Religion and Public Funding. Journal of Law and Religion, Vol. 21, No. 1 ( 2005/2006 ) , pp. 217-219Speak-i t Productions ( 2009 ) . Film Our Lifes Project hypertext transfer protocol // p/u/4/lFnuhPijzXM
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Osteoarthritis Essay
degenerative joint disease or degenerative joint disease is defined as a nisus of arthritis in which one or many joints undergo degenerative changes, including subchondral bony sclerosis, loss of articular cartilage, and proliferation of bone spurs or osteophytes and cartilage in the joint, according to Mosbys Medical Dictionary (Anderson, 2001). Bullock, on the other hand, defines osteoarthritis as destruction of the articular cartilage and subchondral bone with cyst and osteophyte plaster bandageation (Bullock and Henze, 2000).Osteoarthritis is the most greenness form of arthritis affecting more than 20 million people in the country (Shiel, 2008). Osteoarthritis is usually acquired by the elderly (Smeltzer and Bare, 2004). In males, there is a greater chance of contracting osteoarthritis before the age of 45, while in females, the greater chance is after the age of 45 (Smeltzer and Bare, 2004). Osteoarthritis cease be called primary osteoarthritis when there is no known cause, or it has an idiopathic etiology and it is called secondary osteoarthritis when it is caused by another underlying disease condition (Shiel, 2008).Risk factors that can predispose an individual to developing this disease condition are an increased age, obesity, previous joint damage, trauma to joint repayable to repetitive use, occupations that involve carpet installation, construction working, farming and sports injuries, anatomic deformity, and genetic susceptibility (Kaplan, 2007). Osteoarthritis most often targets weight bearing joints at the hips, knees and cervical and lumbar spinal area it also affects finger joints, most especially those at the proximal and distal regions (Smeltzer and Bare, 2004).Osteoarthritis occurs when the articular cartilage matrix is wipe out thus exposing the basic collagen structure (Bullock and Henze, 2000). Due to the stress of everyday usage of the affected joint, the articular cartilage matrix pull up stakes try to spread this abridgment hy drostatically but will fail to do so. This will cause the collagen fibers to rupture and the articular cartilage will flake, fissure and erode (Bullock and Henze, 2000).The exposed subchondral bone will crack and the synovial fluid will enter the cracks towards the marrow, and subchondral cysts are formed (Bullock and Henze, 2000). Since the subchondral bone is already exposed, there will be proliferation of fibroblasts in order to form new bone in this area. The periosteal bone growth increases at the joint margins and at the attachment sites of ligament or tendons and will develop into bone spurs or ridges called osteophytes (Bullock and Henze, 2000).The suppuration of osteophytes will lead to an increase in synovial capsule size which in turn causes limited movement (Bullock and Henze, 2000). Also, osteophyte formation will irritate font endings in the periosteum causing pain (Smeltzer and Bare, 2004). Both the pain and movement limitation causes functional impairment in and in dividual suffering from osteoarthritis (Smeltzer and Bare, 2004).Clinical manifestations of osteoarthritis include the symptoms of pain, most specifically joint pain, possibly due to an inflamed synovium, stretching of the joint capsule or ligaments, irritation of nerve endings in the periosteum all over the osteophytes, trabecular microfracture, intraosseous hypertension, bursitis, tendonitis, and muscle spasm (Smeltzer and Bare, 2004). There is stiffness which is usually experienced in the morning but has a less than fifteen minutes while and can be lessened with movement (Gardner, 2005).The patients functional impairment is due to pain on movement and his or her limited inquiry is due to the structural changes in the joints and is seen as Heberdens and Bouchards nodes (Smeltzer and Bare, 2004). Physical assessment for osteoarthritis will reveal tender and enlarged joints (Smeltzer and Bare, 2004). Diagnostic tests of excerpt will be an x-ray of the affected area and it will s how narrowing of the joint space due to progressive loss of the cartilage (Smeltzer and Bare, 2004). Osteoarthritis can be managed with conservative treatment, pharmacologic treatment, and surgical management.Conservative treatment involves heat application, weight reduction if obese, joint rest and avoidance of overuse, use of orthotic devices to countenance the affected joints, and isometric and postural exercises (Smeltzer and Bare, 2004). Medications to give patients include an analgesic therapy and acetaminophen is the drug of choice, glucosamine and chondroitin can be given too, to improve tissue function (Smeltzer and Bare, 2004). operative management involves osteotomy, arthroplasty and tidal irrigation of the knee (Smeltzer and Bare, 2004).
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Microsoft vs Red Hat Linux Essay
As a customer, Id prefer the system of Red get into (despite how the computer programme look and operate) because obviously, its warrant of charge. Also because it releases the updated version every 4-6 months as the article mentioned. However, in my opinion, in term of business model, Microsoft, the monopoly, has a more sustainable business plan. The traditional way of employing high skilled programmers is certainly ensure the persistent development of the company.Moreover, from the customers point of view, even though, they have to feed a fixed software package in the beginning, but therere no other expenses such as consulting like Red Hat. Moreover, the free technical support also make Microsoft has a higher position in the market. In addition, statistic altogethery, Microsoft has outstanding profit-making revenue for the past years. Linux, on the other hand, has a possibility of getting bigger in terms of revenue. Still, as I have said, volunteer programmers are not very reli able.Not only the achievement is terms of revenue, Microsoft has a better brand image because it has been in the market for so long and has so many loyal customers globally. Even though, Red Hat is trying to differentiate by focusing more on the small business, but Microsofts strategy is still ahead of it because it provided its service/product to a larger based customers. Im sure that Red Hat isnt the first competitor Microsoft has ever had, but it has overcome all of them. Because of all the reason mentioned above, Microsoft will remain the Monopoly in the market for still quite a long while.Michael E. Porter Michael E. Porter is a leading strategist who has a comprehensive understanding about economy and economic development of a nation. He invented the Competitive Strategy called Porters Five Forces Model. He is now incumbently the Bishop William Lawrence University Professor, based at Harvard Business School. Professor Porter is generally known as the father of modern strateg y field, and also identify as the worlds most influential thinker on management and competitiveness.His works included 18 books and over 125 articles published in leading newspaper and business magazine. Professor Porter was actually graduated with high honors in aerospace and mechanical engineering from Princeton University, and continued with M. B. A with George F. Baker disciple from Harvard Business School, also a Ph. D. in Business Economics from Harvard University as well. Porters Five Forces Model As I have mentioned, its a model about the competitiveness of a company by Michael E. Porter.It is a very well-known model in order to find the surround of a firm and also factors that influence the uncertainty. It states not only to win over your competitors but also to unite and work together between firms in term of partnership. One of the reasons why this model is well recognized is that it works from small to large company. The Five Forces in the model are Rivalry among curren t competitors, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of customers, threat of substitute products or services, and threat of new entrants.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Unemployment and Zara
Value Creation in the Global Apparel Industry Case Analysis 3 By Deborah Bennett Julie Bryan Wynette Gayle Vivian Pankey Neisha Vitello Executive Summary Zara is the flagship mode retail company under the parent corporation Inditex. First opened in Spain, Zara currently has a intercommunicate of 1,292 stores spread across 72 countries. The infrastructure Zara has built is a marrow competency. Their innovations to bring new invent designs to market faster than competitors differentiates Zara from their rivals.Managers believe the allure of Zara is the novelty of its offerings, the creation of a sense of exclusiveness, an attractive in-store ambience, and positive member of mouth (Daniels, Radenbaugh, Sullivan, 2011). The strategic innovations in design, production, logistics, distribution, and retailing activities get to made Zara a global draw that is today moving into the United States. This paper bequeath examine five of the external influences that will shape the respons e and ultimately the success Zara will have adapting to the physical, social and competitive factors in the United States clothe retail industry.The external influences examined will be competitive dynamics, economic conditions, technology standards and trends, cultural orientation, and customer expectations. Zara continues working out in the Untied States, currently with 49 stores coast to coast. Their differentiation strategy has been successful (Maiellaro, 2010). Zaras strategy and work design leave rivals with less fourth dimension to figure out how to better configure and coordinate operations. As U. S. competitors attempt to follow Zaras lead, Zara continues to set the pace and increase the distance between them and the competition.Issue recognition Zara came to the United States, first in New York City in 1989. With more than ten years in the states and 49 locations Zara is making their mark in the flair industry. With the external influences impacting Zaras management vision, strategy, value creation and firm performance, how does Zara continue to create value with their differentiation strategy in the U. S. fashion market? external Influence 1 Competitive Dynamics Zara has trailn the industry standard of a six-month time frame to create and produce new clothing lines to hardly two weeks (Daniels, et al 2011).Breaking the industry standard in getting fashion to the public is the competitive advantage Zara is best don for. Zaras other effectivitys include logistics, marketing, store operations and firm infrastructure. Zara spends less than 1 percent of its r withalue on advertising (Daniels, et al 2011). Zara is dependent on word of mouth advertising from its shoppers who tend to be loyal to the brand. marketing is another key advantage Zara has over the competition, which can spend up to 3 to 4 percent of their revenue on advertising.External Influence 2 Economic Conditions Current Economic Conditions in the U. S. appear to show that it is in a disappointingly gloomy (June 2010) recovery. While the U. S. does not appear to be in the downward trend that everyone was concerned with in, growth will remain stagnant or slow. Consumer confidence appears to be at the highest level in two years (Dennis, 2010), but the unemployment rate does not fall below 9 percent (Isidore, 2010) for the next year, and it is unknown if we will ever see the unemployment rate low of 4. percent in 2007 (Isidore, 2010). The good news is that inflation does not appear to be an issue, as it remains loaded for the next three years (Isidore, 2010). The economic conditions in the United States for Zaras do not appear to be at the best point for rapid growth, although with Zaras unique way of doing business growth is possible. The economic slowdown, high unemployment, and other economic factors pointing in the wrong counselling, Zaras growth in the U. S. Market will need to be carefully monito trigger-happy. External Influence 3 Technology Standar ds and TrendsA cultural aspect of the American Shopper is her expectation of value or reasonableness. This direction is in line with Zaras aim to democratize fashion by offering the latest fashion in medium quality at low-priced prices. In the USA, the GAP has already been identified as tapping into this market. One of the ways that Zara? s business mold is differentiated from that of its competitors is the turnaround time and the store as a source of information. The store acts not only as a point of sale but also influences the design and speed of production. It is the end and first point of the business system. Zara? managers get feed sand from the customers at the point of sales and in turn these managers report the demands of customers and the sales trends to the headquarters on a daily basis. This business model augurs well in America today with the technological advancements of the Hi-tech age with computer and cell phones, 24-7 news circus and talk show now becoming the n ew norm. External Influence 4 Cultural Orientations Zaras secret, according to CEO Jose Castellano, is its reliance on communication, and the way it uses existing technology to take control of almost every aspect of design, production and distribution. This fast fashion system depends on a constant exchange of information throughout every part of Zaras supply chainfrom customers to store managers, from store managers to market specialists and designers, from designers to production staff, from buyers to subcontractors, from warehouse managers to distributors, and so on. Zara has made enormous efforts to ensure that operational procedures, performance measures, and even store and office layouts are designed to make information transfer easy.It can therefore be concluded that information management is one of internality activities for Zara to leverage its fast fashion system. This model is in direct relations to the cultural orientation of the American Shopper who likes to be fashio nable and that right after the red carpet event. External Influence 5 Customer Expectations Americans have many choices in fashion styles and price range, from boutique to large chain to discount fashion warehouses. Zara meets customer expectations with fashions superior to or different from alternatives that are available from rivals.With their grassroots marketing research performed by agents on the store floors, Zara has perfected technology to be able to incorporate customer comments into designs through wireless, handheld organizers carried around the store (Daniels et al. , 2011). On the Zara website is the following What do you think of the collection? Are these looks that you would like to liven? I love to hear your opinions every week and I always take suggestions into consideration If you have any looks youd like recreated here, let me knowBe sure to leave a comment (Rachel, 2010). This channel of customer/company interaction ensures Zara continues to possess what custo mers want in fashion. The Internet feedback will in particular serve the U. S. market as Americans are very accustomed to writing product reviews on retail web sites. Zara instills a sense of urgency in the shoppers mind because the style they see in the store today may not be there next week. This dynamic plays well in the urban Americans shopping style that has ready access to the store front windows in malls or the citys fashion districts.The average Zara customer visits the chain 17 times per year versus three to four visits per year at competitors. Anyone with the shopping style of let me look around first and then come back, will lose out on the Zara design. Exposure to current fashion trends are in every medium in the U. S. Zaras ability to deliver almost immediately on what is hot will bode well in meeting customer expectations in the U. S. market. Recommendations and Conclusion Zara has taken advantage of its core competencies competitive advantage, economic condition, t echnology standards and trends, cultural orientation, and customer expectation.This well organized firm uses logistical design in all areas of its operations. Getting high fashion clothing to the public much quicker than the competition and at a reasonable price has led the organization to the top. While this fast track clothing idea is new and still in vogue, Zara needs to constantly be looking at ways to improve their product line and business model as the competition moves in on their competitive advantage. Staying ahead of other retailers by continuing to evaluate their design, sourcing, production, logistics, marketing, store operations, and firm infrastructure is key.While Zara is spreading worldwide, they may need to adjust their distribution centers a bit, in order to keep their speed maintain their pace, particularly in the US market. As they get big the firm grows , they may not be able to keep up with demand unless they adjust their logistics chain accordingly.References 2010, November 22. http//www. modernights. com/shop/zaraclothing/zara_stores_usa/ Daniels, Radebaugh, Sullivan. (2011). International Business, Environments Operations 13th Edition. focal ratio Saddle River, New Jersey, Pearson Education, Inc. Dutta, Devangshu. (2002). retail the speed of fashion. Retrieved from http//www. 3isite. com/articles/ImagesFashion_Zara_Part_I. pdf Galaugher, John, Information Systems, A Zara Case Study Fast Fashion from Savvy Systems, accessed November 24, 2010, http//www. flatworldknowledge. com/node/41223 Gattorna, Dr. John. (2009, Jan. /Feb. ) Supply Chain government Design-The Secret Sauce of Peak Performance. Retrieved from http//www. slideshare. net/ The Supply chainniche/supply-chain-organisation-design-the-secret-sauce-of-peak Jacobe, Dennis, November 2010, U. S. Economic Confidence Improves to Match 2010 High,, Gallup, accessed November 24, 2010, http//www. gallup. com/poll/144344/economic-confidence-improves-match-2010-high. aspx June 2010, Current Economic Conditions, Econbrowser, Accessed November 24, 2010 http//www. econbrowser. com/archives/2010/06/current_economi_4. html Lopez, Carmen, Fan, Ying, Internationalisation of Spanish Fashion Brand Zara , Brunel Business School Brunel University Uxbridge UB8 3PH England Maiellaro, Bridget. (2010, January 5). Zara Opens Two Chicago Stores. Retrieved from http//www. chicagomag. om/Radar/Sales-Check/January-2010/Zara-Opens-Two-Chicago-Stores/ Rachel-Northeastern. (2010, May 10). Runway for Under $25 Zara Spring 2010. Retrieved from http//www. collegefashion. net/fashion-tips/runway-for-under-25-zara-may-2010/ Towers, Steve. (2010). Zen and the craft of Process Management. http//www. towers associates. com/Towers_Associates_Zen_And_the_Art_of_Process_Management. Html Zaras Business Model, Information and Communication Technologies, and Competitive Analysis. 123HelpMe. com. 26 Nov 2010 http//www. 123HelpMe. com/view. asp? id=97642
Essay on Television Broadcast News
In todays journalistic world it is sometimes difficult to decipher between parole broadcasts rendered as presumptive information as opposed to merely pastime. It is safe to say that the media does have got a responsibility in reporting the news truthfully and with honesty. As we begin to look more closely on the role of the News Media, local and subject bea, we will find many interesting facets of the broadcasts to be analyzed. It is likewise expected that the media deliver news that is detailed, informative and credible.Unfortunately the content of the information sometimes broadcasts has other insignificant foc uses such(prenominal) as, news regarding celebrities, entertainment (especially here in Los Angeles so close to Hollywood) and other tragic but un needful news. The content seems at times un all-important(prenominal), weak, and falsely dramatic rather than a factual honest and necessary report of important occurrences local, national and international. At times the n ews seems more like a dramatic soap opera rather than news. Competion and monetary boost seems to drive the media to serve information that can be sometimes manipulated or sometimes just simply inappropriate.Another facet of the news media is the status of female anchors and reporters on network and local newscasts, which will be examined in this paper. It is important to note that the media has been known to be a field of study influenced by gender, racial and ethnic biases. These important topics will also be examined. It seems that the News Media is not very particular in choosing quality journalism these days. Some exceptions do exist although it seems that shows which function as informative shows argon merely just entertainment and tabloid-like journalism.Such shows include, Entertainment tonight, The E channel programs, Inside Edition, and Access Hollywood to name a few. Even reality shows like Cops which are credible and reflect real life experiences are packaged for enter tainment and sensationalist viewing. in any case, when analyzing the role of local and national television broadcast news we still need to view the content of these programs with a grain of salt. News broadcasters are more influenced by events that will baffle an immediate impact and sensational effect on the viewers than actual, credible and significant news.It is common for news broadcasters to begin the newswith such broadcasts finish such events as a Wild Pursuit or freeway car chase. Or, other such glamorized topics may include the arrest of famous actors or musicians whom have committed crimes. The O. J. Simpson case was a perfect example of such media frenzy or, the famous pop musician George Michaels being arrested for masturbating in the Beverly Hills Park restroom. How can the media make out to cover such insignificant events when the local areas, the nation or the international community has so many other important social, economical, political and humanitarian proble ms and events that are hardly addressed.Also, when we pursue to analyze the credibility of broadcasters, how are we sure that the information given to us is factual? Are we to recollect everything that CNN reports is untainted and free of immoderate nonfactual events and information? It would be justified to question the source of reported events and news stories. There has been so many times in which different views and different versions of the akin story have been reported by varying news channels. Therefore it is sometimes difficult to decipher between fact or fiction and credible information or merely entertainment.It is also interesting to note that the media tries to maintain an air of social and political correctness when it comes to choosing its journalists although certain biases still due exists in the journalistic field. It is only in recent times that the news media has decided to hire more ethnically diverse journalists. Also in a field that had been closelyly domi nated by men, in recent times we have seen the hiring of more female anchors, reporters and journalists. Sometimes broadcasters use attractive journalists to gain the interest of the viewers.One of the most important TV news personalities of the last 40 years has been the famous Barbara Walters. She is one of the first women to gain acceptability and credibility from television news viewers. Also Christian Amanpour remains the first female TV broadcaster in our history who commands the same kind of respect as the long line of preceptor figures that started with Murrow and continues with Rather, Brokaw and Jennings. Women journalists such as Walters and Amanpour have gained respect and stardom through many years of hard work and struggle through journalism.Nowadays, historic news stories have rick the journalistic fast track to celebrity. And this happens so routinely that the search for the new media stars automatically built into coverage of the events themselves. Within hours of the attack on the World shift Center, you could already hear people in the media world asking, Whos going to be made by this one? Such celebrity came to female anchorwoman Ashleigh Banfield, a 33-year-old Canadian-born journalist when on September 11, Banfield covered groundzero in New York for MSNBC.Standing firm as she became coated with ash, network executives were so dazzled by her on-camera savvy that, although she had just about as little international knowledge as our president, they jetted her off to Pakistan, where she began anchoring the week-nightly news show Region in Conflict. Since then, she seems to have been everywhere for the cable channels covering a variety of important news stories and issues. A similar story occurred when Andrea Thompson made headlines when she recently revealed that she was quitting ABCs N. Y. P.D Blue to do a three-month mental testing at the CBS affiliate in Albuquerque, N. M. to become a TV anchorwoman. Shortly after Andrea Thompson wa s hired by the CNN as an anchor. The 39-year-old actress and model has said that she believes her skills as an actress are transferable to TV news, even though she does not have any background in journalism. Although its not a matter of acting the news, its hard to fake a journalism background if you do not have one. Again this proves how todays news media functions more as entertainment than credible responsible journalism.Some may say that it does not take any journalism skill to read a news script, and most stations indigence an appealing person, so why not have a pretty person reading a copy of the news? Personally I believe that this is unfair to other journalists male or female who have pursued a career studying and experiencing modern journalism. It is unfair to hire sexy or sexual attractive journalists to report the news when the most important factor is the content and truthfulness of the news itself. It may be appropriate to flaunt ones sexual practice in the fictional soap opera or fictional TV show arena, but not in the modern journalistic forum.Gender and sexuality should not be a factor. It would be hopeful to expect the News Media to cover more events with greater importance and significance to all people rather than to use journalism as a form of entertainment for the masses. Furthermore, it seems to me that the actual event and truth in media shouldnt be tainted by such factors such as gender, ethnicity, age or how one presents him or herself physically, the events and news topics covered should speak for themselves, not the other way around.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
The Zodiac Killer
The Zodiac was very real villain, and no this villain does non have a giant evil lair or an army of henchmen. What he does have is a psychopathic and insane mind filled with twisted ideas as well as a bit of genius. This villain is the Zodiac Killer one of Americas most infamous serial killers. The Zodiac was active amidst the sasss and sasss, in this time he took 37 victims in total alone the the police all counted sevener as definite victims.The Zodiac is like a typical cliche horror movie villain but before the Lech, this gloomy criminal was clever and quick. For years he taunted the police and media, what set him apart from the average out day to day serial master mind were his letter. He sent a total of cardinal letter throughout his career If you can call It that, to newspapers mostly though some to private citizens. HIS letters and cryptic messages would always begin with Dear Editor this Is the Zodiac speaking. He would demand for the letters to be print threatening to go on murderous rampages If they werent.Way back in 1966 before anyone had ever heard of the Zodiac an 18 year old student named Cheerier Joy Bates was found brutally murdered near the riverbank urban center Colleges library complex. subsequently disabling her car the believed to be Zodiac approached her asking if she needed a ride category home. The police determined the Zodiac must have had a personal connection with her as she was comfortable having a conversation and accepted the ride. Zodiac recorded this event in a letter titled the acknowledgment and sent it to the Riverside Police and the colleges newspaper.This was the first of many letters and confessions to come. In 1969 the Zodiac story had exploded into news, however the police only began to consider Zodiac as the culprit in 1970 after a meeting between two investigators. After this event there came more murders the police never really being able to pin allude a culprit though Zodiac was always a suspicion the y never had enough evidence to substantiate it was him guilty. The death of three young duettes had left the police dumbfounded. After the murder of another young couple the police received a phone call from a telephone box.A illustration spoke with no accent and was clear and even as if reading Off script, the voice reported a doubling murder as well as telling the police the location he added a confession of murdering the year before. This continued from 1966 till the early oxs. With no absolute evidence and forensic technology not being advanced enough the police could never pinpoint the killer so his Identity corpse a mystery. Although there were a number of suspects and many people believe they know the Identity of the zodiac. Cliche, this mysterious criminal was clever and quick.For years he taunted the police is letters. He sent a total of eighteen letters throughout his career if you can call it that, to newspapers mostly though some to private citizens. His letters and cryptic messages would always begin with Dear Editor this is the Zodiac speaking. He would demand for the letters to be publish threatening to go on murderous rampages if even as if reading off a script, the voice reported a double murder as well as telling his identity the Great Compromiser a mystery. Although there were a number of suspects and many people believe they know the identity of the zodiac.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Vehicle of Social Expression
medication is the near powerful vehicle of military personnel expression. As the embodiment of venerate, disapproval, happiness, experience action, music speaks to us, because it comes from us. Each people, in all(prenominal) paradine of the human experience instinctively and systematically change the music of the past to represent the realities of the present. In this century, scurrilous music, more specifically thought music, has been that music that has brought to plain view that which evidences our humanity hope, hurt, joy and passion in much(prenominal) a way that the world has no other choice than to feel its power and react in its brilliance.When one discusses the relationship between Soul music and the civil rights driving, it becomes a dialouge very akin(predicate) to that of the chicken and the egg. The period of Classic Soul is that period primarily, but not scoopfully referenced as the 1950s, 60s and 70s (Stephenson 186). This is the triumphion frame of th e American Civil Rights Movement, and the impact of the monolithic changes going on, argon reflected in the music and the culture.So one would be correct in some(prenominal) assuming that the Civil Rights Movement gave rise to Soul music, as much Soul music contributed to the victor of the campaign for civil rights. Soul music during its heyday, did more than simply entertain. For a race of people it served as a source of motivation, strength and education, for a people immersed in turmoil and tragedy. The institution of segregation had effectively inhibited the general populaces awareness of the great achievements and contributions made by African-americans throughout the annals of the United States (Franklin 429).Inasmuch, Soul music sought to bring that undersight to light. Soul meters like Donny Hathaways To Be Young, skilful and Black, was revolutionary, in that they sought to instill pride of ones history, but at the same clip motivate a new generation to reach new heig hts. As Hathaway says, We must begin to allege our young, Dont you puzzle it off that there is a whole world waiting for you? , he is craft for the teaching of dingy pride to the youth, which was a wide spread trend in black communities of the 60s and 70s (Hathaway). pack Browns Say It Loud, Im Black and Im Proud, became an anthem for the movement (Brown). The songs lyrics like, . Dont quit moving, until we get what we deserve wed rather pass on our feet, than keep living on our knees, were words of inspiration for those involved in the struggle for equality. Whereas the preponderant theme of rhythm and blues was love and other kind of human relationships, soul singers partd associate somewhat the social injustice, racial pride, black militancy, and forms of protest (Southern 517).Eileen Southerns statement on Soul music greatly describes the type of works produced by Hathaway and Brown at the time, yet was definetly not exclusive to these two artists. The period wherein Soul intertwined with the Civil Rights Movement, produced music greatly influenced by the environment in which its creators lived. Donny Hathaways, Ghetto, and Marvin Gayes Inner City Blues (Makes Me Wanna Holler), speak of the harshness of life in the Inner City (Hathaway/Gaye).societal ills and political unrest were a major theme of Soul music, and Marvin Gayes work, almost more than every other artist, was demonstrative of this fact. Gayes album Whats Goin On, was his commentary on the social problems of the period, and through its success tremendously impacted the increasing social awareness. Despair within the black fraternity was given(p) voice in Gayes Inner City Blues. Inflation, taxes, unemployment and police brutality were numbered among the themes addressed in the song.The backbone of hopelesness of the piece can best be conveyed in the line saying, this life aint expenditure the living. makes me wanna holler, throw up both my hands (Gaye). Save the Children goes on t o ask Who is exiting to deform and save a world that is destined to die? , yet goes on to say live life for the children lets save the children (Gaye). So, even in the midst of great despair, Gaye, and other artist of his genre, did mean in the possibility of change. Ball of Confusion, debuting in 1970, gave the Temptations take on the societal ills plaguing their times.It explored the white migration to the suburbs, urban riots, politicians, etcetera , as it expressed the sense of turmoil experienced during that time which seemed to all come together in a Ball of Confusion. The lyrics state that the only person talking about love my brother is the preacher the only person interested in learning is the teacher(Temptations). These lines express a theme of love and education as the cure to societys problems. In a deeper sense, it says that people should focus on solutions, not the problems which force despair.In the spirit of this solution-based songwriting, a strong, no-holds- barred message to youth about the importance of getting an education was given voice in October of 1966. James Browns Dont Be a Drop Out is a story of a drop out who compares himself to friends who continued their education. The song says, they kept on pushing when the going got tough, and now they know that things dont seem so rough(Brown). James Brown knew the importance of this first hand having no perfunctory education.He implemented a program which encouraged kids to tour of duty in school and gave scholarships for those that wanted to go to college. Brown also worked to improve the quality of education in urban areas. He later releases two anti-drug songs, King Heroin and Public Enemy No. 1. He had realized the devastation that drugs brought to the black community and the songs were used as the tool to educate blacks about their danger. James had become a role vex for black youth not only through his music but through his commitment to the black community, thus serving as a shining example of the lessons of his music.Browns message of change by change currently existing systems was conservative in comparison to some more radical artists. These artists, like the withstand Poets, belived that change would only come around through a revolution. The Last Poets who use a compounding of spoken word and music in their song Niggers Are Scared of Revolution exemplify this. The song addresses apathy in the black community about black revolution and the lack of participation in the movement (Last Poets). Gil Scott Heron is an artist with a similar message.His work The Revolution Will Not Be Televised discuss the medias purposeful ommitasnce of pertinent black issues, and the manner in which change will occur. The song index finger to the lot by the Chi-Lites was originally the slogan for the Black Panther Party. Young, Gifted and Black by Nina Simone, People Get Ready by the Impressions and Edwin Starrs War are just a few of the many a(prenominal) songs which draw the black community together to raise social consciousness. Black music, specifically Soul music, will neer diasppear.Though the motivation for the music may change nominally, the spirit behind it will always stay the same. Passion, pain, despair, love and hope, will forever remain key elements of the human experience. This truth is the reason in which we have seen Soul music change to fit the times in which it exists. Some hip-hop artists such as De La Soul, Public Enemy and even Arrested Development carried a strong message of social change. Yet, their time too was limited as the black American climate slightly changed.Today artist such as the crowned king and queen of the newly dubbed category of Neo-classic soul bear the torch. DAngelo and Erykah Badu talk about revolution and the state of the black community and relationships. Badus On and On expresses her thoughts of how she feels that we are born into the middle of a world in constant struggle as she says, . my l ife keeps going like a rollling oppose.. I was born under water with three dollars and six dimes (a metaphor to 360 degrees in reference to her perpetual struggle)(Baduizm).DAngelo addresses the rampant use of marijuana in his Brown Sugar as he writes, I want some more of your brown sugar. your love makes me high right to the sky. my eyes are blood burgundy. His Devils Pie addresses drugs and money (Belly Soundtrack). Both Badu and DAngelo give their takes on bad relationships in Tyrone and Shit, Damn, Mother Fucker, respectively. Badus Other expression of the Game even addresses the issue of being involved with a man who sells drugs.She writes, Do I sincerely want my baby.. work aint honest, but it pays the bills. The subject matter addressed by Badu and DAngelo express many of the problems endured by todays generation, some of which may not have been experienced in the same manner of generations past. Music is an expression of life. Hence, it can only be a reflection of lifes experiences. Soul music speaks directly to the human experience. It attacks the maladies of our existence. It empathizes with our pains, and rejoices in our happiness. Masterfully, has it changed so as that it remains sensitive to our needs today. Only the beat has changed. The Soul of soul, however, the message, will always remain.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Public Bank Corporate Profile Essay
Conceptualised as a bank for the public by its Founder and Chairman, Tan Sri Dato Sri Dr. Teh Hong Piow, exoteric hope commenced business on 6 August 1966, and was listed on the Kuala Lumpur convey Exchange (KLSE) on 6 April 1967.To-date, the creation cashbox conclave has grown into a premier banking mathematical host in Malaysia, with afield market presence in Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Hong Kong, China and Sri Lanka.As a leading monetary dish ups provider in Malaysia, the earthly concern cuss crowd offers a comprehensive range of financial products and services covering, amongst others, personal banking, commercial banking, Islamic banking, investment banking, share broking, trustee services, nominee services, sales and circumspection of unit trust gunstocks, bancassurance and general insurance products.With a total of 377 branches and employing over 17,600 people, the semipublic Bank pigeonholing caters to the financial needs of over eight million guests in Malay sia and in other countries in which the assemblage operates.With total assets of RM274.62 billion as at the expiry of 2012, the reality Bank aggroup is the third largest banking group in Malaysia and ranked number six by asset size in Southeast Asia. Public Bank is the largest non-government-linked corporation in Malaysia with a market capitalisation of RM57.52 billion as at the end of 2012.With its unbroken track record of truehearted and coherent profitability in the last 46 years, the Public Bank Group has demonstrated its strong and consistent ability to execute and meet its key movement indicators and brand promise to its customers. The PB Brand has been built trading floord on integrity, honesty and excellent service slopey. These are complemented by accountability, excellent corporate government activity, strong corporate culture, wise management and competitive products and services. cerebrate and Consistent Growth Strategy The Public Bank Group adopts a center an d consistent addition strategy, which is to pursue organic developing in the sell banking business focusing on retail consumers and small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and strives to just increase its leadership in this broad-based retail banking market.Growth in the retail banking business is consistently focused on retail lending, swear-taking and fee-based businesses.To drive business growth and increase its market share in retail banking, the Public Bank Group leverages on its well-established customer service infrastructure and processes and practices to deliver prompt and consistent service to meet the needs of its customers.Core Business Growth In the retail lending business, the Public Bank Group clay focused on growing its loans in residential mortgages, passenger vehicle financing and lending to SMEs. In an intensely competitive market where loan products are highly commoditised, the Group actively competes in the market for business growth and increased mar ket share by differentiating itself done its highly efficient customer service delivery standards. As at the end of 2012, Public Bank maintained its leading position in residential mortgages, passenger vehicle financing and commercial station financing in Malaysia, with market shares of 19.1%, 26.4% and 33.7% respectively.Over the years, the Public Bank Group has been building a strong franchise in the deposit-taking business. Customer deposits have been growing steadily both in terms of the deposit customer base and the amount of deposits stationd with the Group. As at the end of 2012, total deposits from customers of Public Bank in Malaysia recorded a growth rate of 13.0%, which is above the domestic banking industrys growth rate of 8.4%. This reflects the high level of confidence that customers place in Public Bank to safeguard their funds.Public Islamic Bank, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Public Bank, started its full-fledged Islamic banking business in 2008. It leave alone encompass to focus on Islamic consumer financing and retail commercial lending to SMEs.The Public Bank Group go forwards to intensify its effort to grow fee-based businesses through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Public correlative, which contributes a significant proportion of the non-interest income of the Group. Public Mutual has remained a dominant player in the private sector fund management industry in Malaysia with a leading market share of 40.8% as at the end of 2012 due to its superior fund performance, strong distribution capabilities and strong brand.Multiple Delivery Channels The Public Bank Group has a large and well distributed branch network of 255 branches in Malaysia to better service its large customer base of individuals and business enterprises. The Group further expanded its wide network of self service machines to 522 Automated bank clerk Machines, 532 Cheque Deposit Machines, 405 Cash Deposit Terminals and 186 Cash Recycling Machines for greater customer conve nience. The Group has also expanded its internet banking and mobile banking service capabilities for greater access by customers to its banking services. The Group will continue to tap on its large sales and marketing force and strategic alliance with key partners to deliver high value products and services to its customers.Regional Player Today, the Public Bank Groups overseas operations comprise 122 branches, with 83 branches in Hong Kong, 3 branches in China, 24 branches in Cambodia, 7 branches in Vietnam, 4 branches in Laos, a branch in Sri Lanka and 3 representative offices in Shanghai, Shenyang and Taipei.Strong monetary Ratings The Public Bank Group continues to be accorded strong credit and financial ratings for its consistent record of prudent management, strong risk management, excellent corporate governance, strong and consistent financial performance, superior asset quality and healthy capitalisation. Standard & Poors reaffirmed Public Banks A- long-run rating and A- 2 short-term counterparty credit rating with stable outlook. Moodys Investor Service reaffirmed Public Banks long-term deposit rating of A3 and revised its short-term deposit rating to P-2 based on Moodys new Consolidated Global Bank Rating Methodology, with stable outlook. Rating Agency Malaysia reaffirmed the Banks long-term rating of AAA, the highest rating accorded by Rating Agency Malaysia, and its short-term rating of P1.Awards and Accolades The Public Bank Group continues to earn recognition and trust for its strong and sustained financial performance and prudent management. In 2012, Public Bank was honoured with 36 awards, including many best bank awards and excellence in corporate governance by national and international publications. These were in recognition of the Public Bank Groups sustainable financial performance and excellence in the key areas expected of a banking institution by its stakeholders.Public Banks Founder and Chairman, Tan Sri Dato Sri Dr. Teh Hong Piow, continues to be honoured with awards of excellence for his sterling leadership and extraordinary achievements, as well as enormous contributions to the Public Bank Group and to the banking industry in Malaysia and in the region. incorporated Social Responsibility As a responsible corporate citizen, the Public Bank Group remains committed to uphold its corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the areas of nation building, development of the market place and enrichment of the work place. The Group supports the community through programmes such as education, graduate employment, professional development and environmental conservation as well as in support of the underprivileged. The Public Bank Groups CSR at the work place includes initiatives to enhance the core competencies of the staff, so as to further raise their contribution, productivity and efficiency.The Group believes that in fulfilling its corporate social responsibilities, the Group also enhances its corporate image, reput ation, goodwill and brand value.Our perpetration In spite of its success, the Public Bank Group will never rest on its laurels. disposed(p) the increasingly challenging economic environment, the Group will continue to strive harder to deliver value to its stakeholders. To its customers, the Group will continue to provide competitive financial products and services to meet increasingly sophisticated customer demand. To its shareholders and investors, the Group will continue to enhance shareholder value with its strong financial performance. To its staff, the Group will continue to invest in human capital development initiatives to enhance core competencies and productivity.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Determining Activation Energy
energizing energy of a reaction Mengyuan Wu IB Chem HL Richard Forster March 20, 2013 Introduction In this experiment, a reduction of peroxodisulphate (VI) ions by iodine ions is investigated. dissolving agent of 10cm3 of K2S2O8, potassium peroxodisulphate, represented as Solution A. Mixture of 5cm3 of KI (Potassium iodide dissolver), and 5 cm3 of Na2S2O3 (sodium thiosulphate solution), and 2. 5cm3 of starch solution is considered as Solution B.Solution A and B are mixed unitedly under different temperatures to show a clock reaction. Observation Table 1 Raw quantifiable Data of Temperature and Time from the Experiment Fixed / Ideal Temperature (C) Temperature of Solution A (C0. 5C) Temperature of Solution B (C0. 5C) Time interpreted Time Proceeded (seconds1 seconds) 30 31. 0 31. 0 31034 191 35 36. 0 33. 5 21183 132 40 40. 0 38. 0 13724 97 45 46. 0 45. 5 11283 73 50 51. 0 51. 0 05240 53 QualitativeBefore Solution A clear colorless solutions Solution B clear colorless solution Du ring Both solution A and B reached (or close to) a fixed temperature and mixed together form a clear colorless solution reaction time one or few section of the solution turned clear light purple opaque purple, then the section fly off the handle to the entire solution speedily within a second the purple opaque solution step by step turn to a darker purple color After Dark purple-black colored opaque solution touch and Presenting DataTable 2 Uncertainty of the Apparatus Used in the Experiment Equipment Uncertainty account Stopwatch Seconds1 second The actual distrust of the stopwatch is millisecond, shown in the column Time taken in Table 1. However, there are human reaction uncertainties when receiving the change in color in the actual experiment, so that particular uncertainty is presented by 1 second 50cm3 Burette for K2S2O8, KI, and Na2S2O3 cm30. 02cm30. 02% for each solution Initial Reading (0. 1cm3) + Final reading (0. 1cm3) = volume used (0. cm3) for every solution measur ed in mixture A or B 10mL Measuring Cylinder for starch solution mL0. 2mL Thermometer C1. 0C Mixture A and B both have separate (but relatively close) temperature with uncertainty of 0. 5C each, after the average of the two the uncertainty doubles Table 3 tasteful date for temperature and time Average Temperature of the reaction (C1. 0C) Proceed Temperature (K1. 0K) Time Proceeded (seconds1 seconds) 31. 0 304. 0 191 35. 0 308. 0 132 39. 0 312. 0 97 46. 0 319. 0 73 51. 0 324. 0 53Table 4 appendageed data for charting ln 1t (3 sig fig) 1T (K)(4 sig fig) -5. 25 0. 003289 -4. 88 0. 003246 -4. 57 0. 003205 -4. 29 0. 003134 -3. 97 0. 003086 ln 1t=lnK (Proportional) t= Time T= Temperature (in K) Graph1 deliberation Values Table 4 Calculation to Process Temperature Calculation 1 Average Temperature (C1. 0C) Calculation 2 Temperature in K (K1. 0K) edict Temp. of A+Temp. of B2 Temp. in C+273 Fixed / Ideal Temperature (C) 30 31. 0+31. 02=31. 0 31. 0+273=304. 0 35 36. 0+33. 52=34. 75? 35. 0 35. +273=308. 0 40 40. 0+38. 02=39. 0 39. 0+273=312. 0 45 46. 0+45. 52=45. 75? 46. 0 46. 0+273=319. 0 50 51. 0+51. 02=51. 0 51. 0+273=324. 0 Table 5 Calculation for Graphing Data Calculation 3ln 1t Calculation 41T(K) Fixed / Ideal Temperature (C) 30 ln1191? -5. 25 1304? 0. 003289 35 ln1132? -4. 88 1308? 0. 003246 40 ln197? -4. 57 1312? 0. 003205 45 ln173? -4. 29 1319? 0. 003134 50 ln153? -3. 97 1324? 0. 003086 Calculation 5 (Activation Energy) lnk= -EaR ? 1T+lnA y = m(slope) x + c R=8. 314 Jmol-1K-1(Diploma)Data from Graph 1 y = -6045. 3x + 14. 705 -6045. 3 = -EaR Ea=8. 314 ? 6045. 3 =50260. 6242 J =50. 2606242 KJ haphazard fractures Calculation 6 (%Random Error for Average Temperature of the Reaction) Average temperature of the reaction K 1. 0 K (Refer to Table 2) % Error=1. 0304. 0+1. 0308. 0+1. 0312. 0+1. 0319. 0+1. 0324. 0? 100 ? 1. 596% Calculation 7 (%Random Error for Time) Time Taken Seconds 1 Second (estimated human reaction time) (Refer to Table 2) % Erro r=1191+1132+197+173+153? 100? 5. 569% Calculation 8 (% Random Error for Solutions) Random Error for K2S2O8+KI+ Na2S2O3+Starch 0. 02%? 3+0. 22. 5? 100 ? 8. 06% Calculation 8 (Total % Random Error) % Error=1. 596%+5. 569%+8. 06% =15. 225%=20% (one sig. fig. ) Final Answer Calculation 9 (Final Answer) 50. 2606242 KJ 20% 50. 2606242 KJ =50. 3 KJ (3 sig. fig. smallest sig. fig. in calculation) 50. 2606242 KJ? 0. 2? 10. 052 KJ=10KJ (one sig. fig. ) Experimental Result 50. 3 KJ 10KJ 50. 3 KJ 20% Work Cited Diploma Programme interpersonal chemistry Data Booklet. 2nd ed. Cardiff International Baccalaureate Organization, 2008. 6. Print.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Capitalism vs Democracy
The political system and the frugalal system of the joined States rich someone been intertwined since the very founding of our country. Although at that place atomic number 18 many different views on how well the systems march or how they function, this has been a common thought shargond by all different sides. Some tolerate an optimistic view of capitalism, while others feel as though capitalism favors too few good deal. both major posts of view, the conservative and the reform liberal, describe how capitalism works, and the role for the politics in managing the grocery, in 2 similar, yet very different ways.First, we look at the thoughts of Milton Friedman, of the conservative point of view. According to Friedman, capitalism is a free securities industry system that is driven from the bottom up, cabbageing with singulars who secure military volunteer survivals to purchase goods and go and hold jobs. Having a free marketplace gives either individual the power to create their own economic destiny, from what food they eat, to what car they drive, to what career they choose. Friedman in addition describes capitalism as self-correcting, that if left alone, the market place get bring bulge out inevitably fix any problems it creates.According to Friedman, capitalism follows a declare pass, consisting of ups and downs in the economy that allow foring in the end work themselves out over time. It begins with a coming(prenominal) expectation of profit, and population with gold to fit out. As much than(prenominal) heap begin to invest their money, the demand for labor and materials increases, leading to economic expansion and more pack spending money. As demand embraces to increase, supply begins to decrease, causing inflation and increasing product prices. At this stage, future expectations of profit are bad.As prices rise, good deal do-no amourt generate to vitiate things, so they start to entrust their money out of the m arket and investments. With fewer investments comes less demand, causing wad to lose their jobs, prices to drop, and consumers to buy fewer goods. This ultimately leads to a recession, where demand for products is very low and often the unemployment rate is high. Then the cycle starts over again, cost conditions are recreated and tribe begin to invest money again, and the cycle continues.A nonher value of capitalism is that it allows for healthy economic competition, which non only gives individuals a larger variety of products, moreover a wish well enables the marketplace to regulate its own prices. This also causes power to be widespread, and keeps people satisfied by being able to purchase what they like. For example, a consumer voluntarily goes to a grocery store. As they walk down the swallow aisle, they take heed a large selection of drinks to choose from, this is because of competition. Since there are various products to choose from, every consumer grass decide to buy what type of beverage they like, making the consumers happy.Friedman also lay outs that capitalism is rational and efficient. The marketplace constantly finds a way to do more with less, and with every economic conclusiveness made, the costs and benefits are weighed first. In a capitalist economy, no one is going to do business unless they gain more than they lose. For example, if a person indispensablenesss to start a business baking taprooms, they would first find out how much money they learn to invest to be able to make the cake, and compare it to how much they could sell each cake for.If it costs more to make the cake than they would be able to sell it for, then of course the person isnt going to do it. The whole point of investing and even purchasing with capitalism is to make a profit, or somehow gain from the exchange. Nobody enters into a business contract knowing they are going to lose money. This is why Friedman claims that ones standard of living should be base d on what they can afford. Even basic necessities of life, much(prenominal) as food and shelter, are not rights of an individual, but a result of the economic decisions they make.Someone who works hard and has a better job can afford a nice house over an apartment, or to eat lobster instead of chicken. With capitalism, everyone has the right to pursue the things they want or need, but they do not live with the right to just have them. This ensures that everyone has the freedom of choice in the marketplace, and the liberty to make a successful life for themselves, for Friedman believes conducting the economy in a voluntary manner is better for the social fabric of society. Milton Friedman believes there is a role for the government in economic affairs, but that role is very limited.The governments purpose is to protect the rights and liberties of its citizens, and to be free politically, we moldiness be free economically. He claims that the only time the government should step in i s when market distress occurs, or when the market cant or we dont want it to do something. The federal government should only involve itself in economic affairs to enforce the rules set by and agree upon by the people, mediate differences among citizens on the meaning of the rules, and allow a way for the rules to be modified if necessary.For example, mental picture currency should be a federal government function, to allow a fair and uniform compensation method throughout the country. The government should also be in charge of regulating monopolies, where the freedom to make choices is compromised by the fact that there is no competition. Another instance would be in situations where there is a neighborhood effect, or when a third party is affected by a decision that they were not a part of, such as pollution. If a farmer were to dump waste into a stream and pollute it, that would violate the rights of other people who use the stream to have clean water.It would also be the fu nction of the government to regulate public goods, or something where it is difficult or unimaginable to determine the particular user or the amount used. For example, a lighthouse is a public good, because it is almost impossible to identify who uses the light to guide them or how often they use it. Friedman ultimately believes that the government should stay out of economic affairs as much as possible, for every time the government acts the freedom of the people shrinks, and all government interventions have more costs then they do benefits.When the government regulates the way a business operates, for example, requiring steel plants to put filters on their smoke stacks, it increases the cost of doing business, which increases prices and decreases sales, production, jobs and wages. Capitalism, according to Friedman, has a way of expeditiously working things out on its own, and inescapably very little government intervention. Many programs we have today, such as social security, M edicare, and welfare to name a few, Friedman would do away with, as they are the debt instrument of the individual, not the government.The marketplace is even more proportional to public demand than the political system is, and will constantly cycle through different phases and work itself out without the need of government regulation. Milton Friedman looks at capitalism as a free and voluntary system that should be driven by the consumer not the federal government. Another approach to the way capitalism works is that of the reform liberal, which has a few similarities to the conservative point of view, such as the belief that capitalism and democracy are interlocked, that aving capital or money to invest drives the market, that the government must intervene when the market fails, and on the general exposition of property. The liberals also believe in the business cycle, with only one major difference. According to Kane and the liberals, the business cycle is not continuous and se lf-correcting, but gets stuck at the tail end of a recession. With so many people out of work, they begin to set about and make drastic decisions. People dont have time to just wait for the market to fix itself, it could take years and if they did, too much damage would have already been done.The liberals believe that people have the right to basic needs, such as food and shelter, in which the marketplace will not provide. This is where the government must intervene, to ensure that all people have the resources they need to survive, and to correct the marketplace and pull the economy out of the recession. According to the liberals, the market is a prison, and it is not driven from the bottom up, but instead from the top down. They believe when it comes to purchasing power, there is no comparison.Corporations have a much greater wreak and power in the economy than the individual, which leads to a privileged position of business. The decisions we make to purchase things are not vol untary or mutually beneficial, because the corporations and business owners set the prices, and for things like housing, we as consumers dont have the option to just not buy it. We are forced to pay for the things we need, and the prices are set by the business owners, in which the product may not even be worth.Another problem they see with capitalism is that there is a permanent shortfall in aggregate demand, or that there are too many people with too little money to spend. With not enough money, the bonnie individual doesnt have the ability to make purchase, which leads to under consumption, and ultimately to a decline in the economy. With all of the power being held by the few in major corporations, this constantly widens the gap amid the rich and the poor. In theory, capitalism gives all people equality in the marketplace, but in actuality, the liberals argue that this is not the case.Since the rich and elite own the volume of things to own, their interests are honored first, making the interests of the common people unequal to that of the business leaders, and sometimes not served at all. Also, we face resource constraint, so all the people who have money continue to get more money than others. This separation will just continue to grow until the government intervenes, creating more problems and making it harder for the economy as a whole to pull out of hard times.The liberals also argue that the way capitalism is designed, people only invest or take things to make a profit, furthering their own interests, instead of doing it because people need it. If you cant pay for your food, you go hungry, no one is going to simply give it to you because you are starving. With this, capitalism is a trap for those who cant afford to survive, and the liberals believe that it is ones right to have their basic needs met.Their general view of capitalism is a negative one, feeling that capitalism alone cannot provide adequately for the majority of the citizens of Amer ica. The liberals feel that the government should and needs to have a strong role in the economy in order for capitalism to serve the people. Programs such as Medicare, welfare, and government regulations are necessary to give people equality in our economic system. The government needs to be responsible for regulating monopolies, to ensure that prices can remain fair and citizens have options in the products they buy.Also, minimum wages, working conditions and hours worked should be regulated to give people the opportunity to make a decent living, and not be taken advantage of by corporations and employers. The rights and definition of property need to be established politically to be fair across the board. To the liberals, the more government involvement there is in the economy, the more freedom the individual has to make good money and have a decent standard of living. Political power and economic power are not dickens separate entities, and leaving more power in the marketplace imprisons democracy.More economic power and more capital translate directly into more political power. Major corporations and companies have much influence over what interests are met in the government, for example, anything that jeopardizes business confidence in society has immediate and harsh consequences politically, but something that violates and individuals wealth may not be addressed at all. Money talks in America, and this contributes more to a corporations own needs, giving less and less attention to what is best for the average citizens.Liberals like Lindblom, state that the market will not provide on its own, and things like food, clothing, shelter, education, health care, and transportation need to be taken care of by the government, rather than being left up to the marketplace. The government needs to be responsible for more than just market failure, currency, and public goods. It needs to protect the citizens of our country from the insalubrious effects of capitalis m, provide regulations, a way to keep the market prosperous, and keep us from getting stuck in a recession.Democracy needs to be more powerful than the economic system, and make sure that everyones rights, as a corporation or an individual, are protected and that all of their interests are served with equal importance. two the reform liberal and conservative points of view agree on some of the basic components of capitalism, but their survey of the governments role and how well capitalism works on its own couldnt be more different.Today, we favor the liberal view in actuality, with many government programs and regulations in place. However, it remains a controversial issue in politics today, as there is much debate on whether or not we should return to the original form of federalism and eliminate much of the current government intervention. Regardless, one thing all parties can agree on is that the economic and political systems of the United States are and forever will be interl ocked with one another.
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