Sunday, May 24, 2020
Famous Quotations from Medea by Euripides
Medea is the famous play by the Greek, Euripides. To what extent would a mother go? Here are a few quotes from the Greek drama. Flow backward to your sources, sacred rivers,And let the worlds great order be reversed.It is the thoughts of men that are deceitful,Their pledges that are loose.- Euripides, Medea I am afraid of you...You are a clever woman, versed in evil artsAnd are angry at having lost your husbands love.I hear that you are threatening, so they tell me,To do something against my daughter and JasonAnd me too.- Euripides, Medea I have often been the loser.Even now I know that I am making a mistake.- Euripides, Medea Do you think that I would ever have fawned on that manUnless I had some end to gain or profit in it?- Euripides, Medea And when I have ruined the whole of Jasons house,I shall leave the land and flee from the murder of myDear children, and I shall have done a dreadful deed.For it is not bearable to be mocked by enemies.So it must happen. What profit have I in life?I have no land, no home, no refuge from my pain.- Euripides, Medea
Sunday, May 17, 2020
A Separate Peace Character Analysis - 1162 Words
The novel A Separate Peace by John Knowles is a story about a group of boys attending a boarding school. The story takes place from the summer of 1942 to the summer of 1943. The main protagonist, Gene, is a nervous, shy intellectual who tags along with his best friend, Phineas, a relaxed, attractive athlete. The two boys are close companions, practically never leaving each other’s side. During their senior year at the Devon school, the boys and their peers deal with the intertwining stress of highschool and World War 2. The story A Separate Peace by John Knowles is about identity, and reveals that when one is separated from one’s self, they are more lost than ever. This is because of Gene and Phineas’ relationship, Leper’s experience in†¦show more content†¦To sum up, A Separate Peace is about identity because of Gene and Phineas’ relationship. Furthermore, A Separate Peace is about identity because of Leper’s war experience. Elwin â€Å"Leper†Lepellier is a quiet boy and one of Gene’s peers. He loves the outdoors, especially skiing, and enjoyed hanging out with Gene and Phineas. Originally he felt anxious about the war and was going to wait until he was drafted, but after watching a recruitment video from the United States ski troops, he instantly fell in love with the sport and decided to enlist. He left shortly after, and became the boys’ person to look up to. They altered the war stories to be about Leper and gave him their own glory. He was one of the first students to enlist, and it inspired them all. However, the war changed Leper. He would never be the same again. On page 150, it reads, â€Å"‘And the perfect word for me,’ [Leper] added in a distorted voice, as though his tongue had swollen, ‘psycho. I guess I am. I must be. Am I, though, or is the army? Because they turned everything inside out. I couldn’t sleep in bed, I had to sleep everywhere else. I couldn’t eat in the Mess Hall, I had to eat everywhere else. Everything began to be inside out. And the man next to me at night, coughing himself inside out. That was when things began to change. One day I couldn’tShow MoreRelatedA Separate Peace Character Analysis912 Words  | 4 Pagesfriend? Would you kill your friend? Gene and Phineas from A Separate Peace by John Knowles had an admirable friendship that relates to M. Morissot and M. Sauvage’s friendship in â€Å"Two Friends†by Guy de Maupassant. An ongoing war in both A Separate Peace and â€Å"Two Friends†causes conflicts that arose from the hostile environment in the New Hampshire school Devon and in the streets of Paris. Moreover, Gene and Phineas from A Separate Peace contrast to M. Morissot and M. Sauvage from â€Å"Two Friends†becauseRead MoreCharacter Analysis Of A Separate Peace1309 Words  | 6 PagesSeparating Peace Character By Character A Separate Peace is a novel based around a group of high school boys in a private college preparatory school named Devon. Most of Devon’s students want, have, and search for peace throughout their time at school. Upon return from summer break, each character searches for and discovers their own peace. Each character has found or withheld a certain peace, in real life. Each separate peace is exposed throughout fatal or cheerful events. The words separate and peaceRead MoreCharacter Analysis Of A Separate Peace By John Knowles857 Words  | 4 PagesA Separate Peace by John Knowles is ideal for a young adult audience, it gives the reader characters they can relate to, as well as a distinct turning point, and an interesting ending. Gene goes through two major conflicts: him against himself and himself against World War II. These two struggles draw out dominant traits that are also apparent in most young adults. Due to his competitive nature, Gene jounced the limb of the tre e that makes Finny consequently fall. Moreover, since the reader doesRead MoreA Separate Peace And To Kill A Mockingbird Analysis830 Words  | 4 Pages2017 The two novels A Separate Peace by John Knowles and To Kill a Mockingbird both share major commonalities within the text, which take multiple glances to fully comprehend. For instance, one major commonality that both novels share is the recurring symbol that plays a major role in the character’s lives. That symbol is the tree. This tree that captivates both Scout and Jem in To Kill a Mockingbird, and the tree that shows the bond between Gene and Finny in A Separate Peace. Contrarily, in bothRead MoreActions And Characters In A Separate Peace By John Knowles937 Words  | 4 PagesIn the novel, â€Å"A Separate Peace†by John Knowles, the seasons develop actions and characters in the story. The story takes place at an all-boys boarding school in New Hampshire during World War II based off of the author’s previous experiences at a boarding school. The two main characters, Finny and Gene, experience character development alongside different seasons. In written wo rks, seasons are commonly used to symbolically represent a change in the character’s personalities. The nature or settingRead MoreTo Kill A Mockingbird And A Separate Peace By John Knowles1315 Words  | 6 PagesThe informed, written analysis and evaluation of a work of literature is known as literary criticism, which is based on a literary theory. An examples of such a literary theory is intertextual criticism, involving the comparison of two separate novels. Written by Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird is comparable to A Separate Peace by John Knowles. Both novels are fictitious and showcase universal symbols, themes, characters, and numerous other literary devices utilized by authors. Similarities betweenRead MoreFrankenstein, By Mary Shelley1664 Words  | 7 Pagesend the life of his creation once and for all. Instead, Victor is fatally wounded by the monster, and the story ends with the monster accusing mankind for its lack of compassion before disappearing into th e Arctic Sea. Through a close analysis of the main characters and settings of the story, it can be concluded that Mary Shelley’s novel is, above all, about the theme of alienation and the innocent victims that are affected by it, a theme that is also prominent in Fyodor Doestoevsky’s Crime and PunishmentRead MoreLiterary Criticism In To Kill A Mockingbird And A Separate Peace By Harper Lee1506 Words  | 7 PagesAn informed written analysis and evaluation of a piece of work is known as literary criticism, and it is often based on literary theory. One literary theory technique is intertextual criticism, which allows the reader to acknowledge similarities between literature. Throughout Harper Lee’s fictitious novel To Kill A Mockingbird, and the historical fiction novel A Separate Peace by John Knowles, the authors take advantage of intertextual criticism to identify universal themes and symbols within theirRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory And Criticism1345 Word s  | 6 Pagesis written out it may perhaps fill half a page. The analysis setting out the dream-thought underlying it may occupy six, eight or a dozen times as much space†(819). This quote is telling us, as readers, that writing our dreams are simple. It does not take a lot of time to discuss or a lot of space on the paper to write it down. When analyzing the dreams, there are so many hidden meanings, thoughts, and desires. As a result, writing an analysis on the dreams requires a lot more paper, time, andRead MoreAnalysis of John Knowles A Separate Peace 979 Words  | 4 PagesA Separate peace Analysis Essay A separate peace is great novel written by John Knowles. The novel is about the narrator/ protagonist named Gene Forrester who returned to the prep school in which he attended fifteen years ago. The school is called Devon which is located in New Hampshire. While roaming around the schools campus he reminisced the time he has spent at Devon, especially the year of 1942. During this time, World War II was happening overseas and Gene was sixteen years old which meant
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Positive and Negative Aspects of Increasing the Production of Renewable Energy Free Essay Example, 2500 words
This paper illustrates that the proposal of the Department of Energy and Climate Change in the UK has mentioned that by the year 2030, the electricity sector of the nation would be de-carbonized. Contextually, a report will focus on providing an elaborate discussion on the present day status of the proposal presented by the committee. The report will analyze each and every aspects of the climate control committee and likewise, a critical assessment will be conducted on the same to get a comprehensive understanding. In order to support and justify the critical assessment, secondary resources will be taken into consideration. The report will be completed following a systematic approach where detailed recommendations will also be presented about the implementation of the proposed plan. This particular report will be able to provide an elaborative understanding about the positive and negative aspects of the proposal of the Department of Energy and Climate Change in the UK towards increa sing the production of renewable energy within the nation. The report will collect and present data mostly from the proposal but in a brief and succinct manner. We will write a custom essay sample on The Positive and Negative Aspects of Increasing the Production of Renewable Energy or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now However, lack of presence of primary data for this particular report might be regarded as a potential limitation. Several recommendations have been made within the proposal through analyzing some of the negative aspects of the plans of the project of Severn tidal scheme upon the external environment. Correspondingly, recommendations regarding environmental assessment and proper monitoring of the implementation plan would be regarded as crucial. The environmental assessment will enable Department of Energy and Climate Change to understand the impacts of the proposal of renewable energy production on the environment while proper monitoring will ensure that the plans are executed accordingly.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
concert comparisons Essay - 871 Words
After viewing the concert excerpts, construct a comparison of these two concerts. For this assignment I chose to compare and contrast two concerts. The first concert is from the modern era, while the other is a Baroque Era concert originating from the 17th Century preformed by a modern day orchestra. The Baroque Era Concert takes place in a large modern day Lutheran Church in front of a small crowd of well dressed onlookers. The second concert that I chose for this assignment is a modern day rock concert from the English Symphonic Rock Band, Muse. This concert takes place at the O2 Sheppard’s Bush Empire Theatre in London, England. The crowd is large and ruckus, the concert is loud, bright, and energetic. Did you enjoy the concerts?†¦show more content†¦The second concert that I chose for this assignment is a modern day rock concert from the English Symphonic Rock Band, Muse. This concert takes place at the O2 Sheppard’s Bush Empire Theatre in London, England. The crowd is large and ruckus, the concert is loud, bright, and energetic. Did you enjoy the concerts? If so, why? If not, why not? How does the music differ between the Baroque era and now? How is the music similar? How does the role of concerts differ between the Baroque era and now? What types of people attended concerts in the Baroque Era? Who attends concerts now? Why do people attend concerts? How do new technologies, such as digital media and the internet, change the ways we experience music?;_ylt=A2KLqIWjm25SziEAgEP7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTB2Nmphdmg4BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDVjE0OQRncG9zAzI-?|+HD+Director%26%2339%3Bs+Cut+...c=1sigr=11ajad5rasigt=125gujcqmpstcat=arts+culture+and+entertainmentage=0tt=b ï » ¿After viewing the concert excerpts, construct a comparison of these two concerts. For this assignment I chose to compare and contrast two concerts. The first concertShow MoreRelated Money Cant Buy Happiness Essay1163 Words  | 5 Pageshad been bought for them. 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America and War - 1068 Words
America has always had a variety of reasons to choose from in explaining their decisions to go to war. The three wars that Americans fought between the end of the 19th century and the mid point of the 20th century involved reasoning as varied as economic benefits or international tranquility. When the United States finally declared war against Spain on 25 April 1898, those in charge of making such decisions had an event with which to convince those who were unsure that war was necessary. The explosion of the USS Maine, an American battleship, on 15 February 1898 provided the impetus for declaring war ostensibly under the feeling of national security. In trying to persuade Congress that declaring war was absolutely necessary beyond all†¦show more content†¦Many in the United States viewed World War I as an ideological struggle between Democracy and Autocracy and that it was the duty of America to intervene on the side of those fighting for Democracy. This reasoning was suppor ted by the success of the Russian Revolution in deposing the autocratic government of the Tsars. This was one of the points in Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points. Of the various reasons that Americans held as acceptable reasons to go to war with Europe, only one truly was a matter of national security. The submarine attacks on merchant vessels, though despicable, were not about attacking American soil. The Zimmerman Telegram on the other hand was a clear indication that if Germany could win on the battlefields of Europe, America could well be next. The reasons that were put forward, prior to Pearl Harbor, for entering World War II were surprisingly similar to some of the reasons put forward for entering World War I. President Roosevelt in particular was intent on entering in combat because he viewed the alliance of Germany, Italy and Japan as aiming for world domination. Roosevelt felt that if they were to successfully conquer Western Europe and Asia that American security woul d be in grave danger. In addition to the theoretical ideological dangers that the fascist control posed to world freedom, there were several actions by those nations, Germany and Japan in particular that displayed their immense danger to world peace. GermanyShow MoreRelatedThe And The War For America1324 Words  | 6 PagesOften when we speak of the struggle for America we think of the Revolutionary War, or even of the Civil War. We reminisce of tales of bravado and of cunning, of George Washington and our country’s forefathers leading the revolution against the British and of pursuing the dream of a nation free from tyranny. But often the tyranny that this new nation itself took part in is largely glossed over. 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Marketing of Apollo Bay Beachfront Motel-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Marketing of Apollo Bay Beachfront Motel. Answer: Background The concept of brand value came up in the recent decades due to the increasing competition in the market. This is also due to the increased transaction that is taking place in tourism industry. Calendar year 2015-16 reflects a value worth $43.6 billion in Australian market (, 2017). The companies now have to look after the interest of the customers desires and requirements to satisfy the needs a better way than their competitors, instead of just producing and selling the products. Aim The aim of the report will be to identify the existing value proposition of the company and to develop and deliver greater value to the customers. Company Profile The organisation selected for the study is Apollo Beachfront Motel located 163, Great ocean Bay, Apollo Road, Vic 3233. The motel offers world class service and modern rooms to its customers that come into three categories. They are twin, queen and superior queen rooms to their customers decorated with modern furniture and design. The company aims to satisfy the customers with a range of budgets, which made them to offer three different ranges of products. Competitors The company receive tight competition in the market from the competitors such as Cumberland Lorne Resort, Lord Ard Motor Inn, Coastal Motel and Mantra Lorne. Target Market The company offers their products and services to the tourists how come to visit the Apollo bay on holidays or weekends. To be more precise, the primary targets of the company are the couple tourists. Current Value The rating reflected in the third party trip advisors shows that the company has successfully positioned itself in the top of the motel list in the area. Moreover the rating also reflects the customer satisfaction level. The motel received a rating of 4.5 out of 5, which positions them as high end product in the market. Position The company has positioned themselves as luxurious in the operating market with modern facilities offered in their motel. Justification for value proposition Hence, it is necessary for them to constantly revise their value proposition and marketing plan to attain the competitive advantages. Moreover, a large number of youth from different parts of the country visits the beach in Apollo Bay in the weekends, which can be an opportunity to increase the profit. The report will identify the marketing plan for the same purpose. Research Methods Some of the marketing tools that have been used are STP, porters value positioning and VIRO framework for understanding the target market, customers value and competitors value proposition. These further help in designing and communicating future value for the product. STP STP stands for segmentation, targeting and positioning. The organisations use this tool for segmenting the target population that can be based on number of variables such as demographic, psychographic, lifestyle, belief and values, geographic and any other possibilities that can be incorporated as long it fulfils the need (Killen et al, 2012). Targeting on the other hand is the process of identification of the particular part of the segmented society the company wants to sell their products and services to. Different variables that plays active role in it can be size, money, accessibility and focused benefits of the target group (Hassan Craft, 2012). Positioning comes at the end of the cycle where the company decides how to position their product and services to attract the maximum number of targeted customers (Pyo, 2015). Organisations can implement BCG matrix in this part for positioning their product in the market. Figure 1: STP Use of STP for this report will help Apollo Bay Beachfront to identify the target market and provide necessary information required to design and communicate future value to the products and services. Porters Value Proposition This particular tool proposed by Porter offers the organisation to identify the customer needs and satisfaction through the product (E. Dobbs, 2014). It identifies three major aspects of value that are physical value, value of experience and the emotional appeal the customer receives from using the product (Ballantyne et al, 2011; Yunna Yisheng, 2014). The comparison of these values help a company determine the impact that the product might have on the target market. This can communicate the utility of the products to the customer and identify satisfaction level of the products offered to the customers. VIRO Framework Figure 2: VRIO Framework The company conducts competitive analysis by understanding the internal strengths with the help of VRIO framework analysis. The four variables in this model are valuable, rare, Imitate and organised (Chatzoglou et al, 2017). The resources of the company are considered valuable if they find success in address the perceived value of the customers. Rare variable on the other hand identifies the availability of the product in the market and the amount the competitors can offer to the customers. The third variable identifies the level competitors can attain in imitating the products offered (Lin et al, 2012). The final variable recognises if the company is organised that is required in capturing value. Current Value Analysis Customers perceived Value Customers perceived values are the cumulative value possessed by the customers from a product or service in relation to the price they had to pay for the product. It is determined by the satisfaction level of the customer after using the product or services (Boksberger Melsen, 2011). Hence, the amount of customers perceived value is directly proportionate to the product and service quality with the price of the product customer paid. Figure 3: Customers Perceived Value Apollo Bay Beachfront Motel provides world class services to their customers in low price. The primary target customers are the travellers who come in pair from various parts of the country and from overseas to spend some quality time (Li Green, 2011). They have modified their products accordingly to satisfy needs of the customers. The beachfront Motel offers three types of rooms to their products namely twin rooms, queen rooms ad superior queen rooms pricing accordingly from low to high. The rooms are decorated with modern furniture and appliances. The services on the other hand are satisfactory in case of Apollo Bay Beachfront Motel. Every single room in Beachfront Motel is equipped with modern appliances and features like free wifi, 32 LCD HD TV with free connection package, air conditioning and heating. Moreover, the customers also receive services like bar fridge and BBQ facilities (, 2017). The pricing of the rooms on the other hand ranges from $ 180 to $380 AU depending on the type of room as mentioned above. The services provided to the rooms are similar irrespective of their type. The provided services and products by the Apollo Bay Beachfront motel are comparatively low and affordable regardless of the location the motel is situated in. A study on the rating and review of the motel found on various third-party booking websites reflects a higher rating for the motel. For example, the rating data collected from the tripadvisor, an international booking website reflects four stars out of five that is considered as high rating (, 2017). Moreover, the customers shares satisfactory reviews about the products and services provided by the company. This can conclude that the company is successful in satisfying their target customers with their products and services. Competitor analysis The primary competitors that have been identified in the market are Cumberland Lorne Resort, Lord Ard Motor Inn, Coastal Motel and Mantra Lorne. These are posing direct threat to Apollo Bay beachfront Motel by providing similar products and services to their customers. They have received rating ranging from four to five. This reflects that the competitors have gained success in satisfying their customers needs. The example of Cumberland Lorne Resort can be brought up for identifying the customer value provided by the competitors of the beachfront Motel. Cumberland Lorne Resort offers the customers a wider range of rooms to their customers. They offer their customers from single room to a resort that can hold the number of 6-10 guests (, 2017). Moreover, they also provide a wider range of modern appliances similar to those provided by Beachfront hotel. In addition, they offer other devices like, hair dryer, grooming kits, and many more. Moreover, the room size offered by Cumberland is greater than that of Beachfront Motel. These are successful in attracting a wider range of customers. Moreover, the companies offer the customers both direct and third party travel agency booking facility to their customers that gives them a competitive advantage in the market. However, the price structure of the companies is higher, compared to the company under study. This is also evidenced in the reviews of the customers from different online booking websites. They have reflected their satisfaction in their reviews, mentioning the fact of high price that bothered some of the customers of these hotels. Beachfronts Current value Position Apollo Bay Beachfront motel has positioned them as luxury motel in low price. They provide a range of rooms and quality service to their target customers in comparatively low price to gain competitive advantage in the market they have positioned themselves in such a way to attract young couples who visits the Apollo Bay beach. Use of STP reveals that the company set values accordingly to the couples need and target the young couples from both domestic and international market (Hassan Craft, 2012). The price range offered to the customers also successfully addresses the complete section if the target population. The coupes can avail various priced motel room according to their budget with modern facilities attached to each of the rooms. A quality time with comfortable cosy experience is offered by the customers to their selected population. The rating reviewed from different third-party booking agencies reflects that the company is experiencing a high demand in the market and have su ccessfully positioned themselves in the given market. They are successful in meeting the target populations requirements. Marketing Promotion Plan Promotion mix is one of the elements of the marketing mix, where other elements are product, price, place, people, process and physical environment. Study of all the elements of marketing mix helps the company to position their products and services to the identified target market. The purpose of using promotional mix by an organisation is to communicate their products and services to customer segment of a particular society they want to attract (Hollensen, 2015). There are four primary elements that falls under the promotional mix. They are: Advertising Sales Promotion Personal Selling Public Relation Every company uses one or the other or all the four elements in the process of attracting the customers. There are certain objectives a company holds for their promotions. It in turn helps the company to focus on the message they need to convey. Objective of Advertising This mode of promotion includes a number of promotional activities that helps the company to reach out their target customers. The hotels are extensively using third-party booking agencies through which a company can promote their products to the customers and also sell their products and services (Sagala et al, 2014). The booking agency in turn charges a portion of the amount charged from the customers as commission. In modern times, the advertising primarily includes digital media promotion such as, television ads, audio advertising using radio, or even the social network advertisement. The companies using this method can best reach its target customers and better influence them for creating the need of using the products the company is offering. Beachfront motel can promote their products and services through television and radio within the country. Moreover, they can use the social networking platforms such as twitter, facebook,, instagram, pinterest and many more for r eaching out the target customers. Objective of Sales Promotion Beachfront Motel can also utilise the sales promotion for attracting the customers by offering them a significant amount of discount from their actual booking price. The objective of this promotion to significantly increase the demand of the products and services provided (Sedaghat, Sedaghat Moakher, 2012). Apollo Beachfront motel can utilise this promotion in attracting their customers in the lean season when the flow of customer is considerably low. It will be better for them to sell their products in low price than completely stopping it. For example, weak days are likely to attract a limited number of customers for Beachfront motel. They can increase the number of visitors using sales promotion method giving away the services in a price lesser than the actual one. Another purpose of sales promotion is to offer the potential customers a cheaper rate than the competitors in the particular market. It can provide the organisation competitive advantage. Personal Selling Opportunity for the personal selling is limited in case of tourism industry as the maximum number of customers tends to arrange their booking well in advance from the date of visiting the place. Advanced booking is the primary source for the industry, which makes it unnecessary for Beachfront motel to continue the personal selling (Matei, 2014). However, the motel also offers adventure packages unlike their competitors that make it necessary for utilising personal selling. However, the focus on this particular type can be minimised and can be limited to particular segment of promotion as mentioned above. Beachfront motel can also use their personal selling in case of services the customers may need during their stay in the motel. It will be useful as it has the potential to offer the customers an in depth knowledge about the range of services Beachfront motel offers. Moreover, the sales person can also promote their products and services through social network using it as communicati on platform. Public relation It helps in creating an image in the customers mind though organising events. This will make the customers try out the product for once, which in turn offers the opportunity for the company to increase brand loyalty (Al-Abdallah Abou-Moghli, 2012). Beachfront motel organises a number of events to make their trip memorable that will help building customer loyalty. Allocated Budget Promotion Type Quantity Cost per Unit Subtotal Advertisement $ 14,750 Social Media 60 $ 100.00 $ 6,000.00 Online Content 5 $ 750.00 $ 3,750.00 Third-Party Booking 10 $ 500.00 $ 5,000.00 Sales Promotion $ 4,500.00 Campaign A 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 Personal Selling $ 2,100.00 Event Package 6 $ 350.00 $ 2,100.00 Public Relation $4,500.00 Beach Party 3 $ 1,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 25,850.00 Table 1: Promotional Budget Source: Authors Creation Conclusion Conclusion can be drawn basing on the above discussion that Apollo Beachfront motel is one of the popular motels in the Apollo Bay. Their promotional strategy has served them well in attaining success. However, there is always scope for modification. The company needs to modify their promotional activities accordingly to increase the number of customers purchasing their products. Moreover, the customer value proposition and competitor value proposition in the given market reflects tight competition, which needs to be addressed; despite of the current value position of held by Beachfront motel. The motel needs to increase and spread their advertising strategy to cover a larger section of the target population both in national and international level. The study reflects that the social media promotion through television and radio will be useful in promoting the products in the national market. However, social network promotion has greater efficiency in attracting the international cust omers. The other mode of promotions will also provide benefits to the company as discussed. It will put Beachfront motel in advantageous position in the market. References Ballantyne, D., Frow, P., Varey, R. J., Payne, A. (2011). Value propositions as communication practice: Taking a wider view.Industrial Marketing Management,40(2), 202-210. Boksberger, P. E., Melsen, L. (2011). 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