Thursday, December 26, 2019
Adult Education in Delaware
If you are a resident of the state of Delaware and are interested in learning as an adult, whether you yearn for a GED, a degree, an advanced degree, to learn English as a second language, or to pursue lifelong learning, youve got a whole lot of choices. The state has an abundance of resources available to you. Delaware Department of Education The place to start is at the Delaware Department of Education, known as DEDOE. Our link will take you to the Student page, which includes links to specific kinds of education for students of all ages, but in this list youll find adult-specific links for information about adult learning, career and technical student organizations, higher education, and private business and trade schools. On the Federal and State Programs page, youll find a ton of links, including one to a very cool site called Tech Prep Delaware, designed to help prepare you for almost any kind of career. If you want to return to school to learn a trade, this is your place to start. Adult education encompasses a broad range of learning, from GED and workforce training to graduate degrees and lifelong learning. Youll find links for all of these. College and Workforce Readiness College and Workforce Readiness, part of the Delaware Department of Education (DEDOE, also has lots of career and technical resources, in addition to prison education info. Another good resource. The Delaware Skills Center The Delaware Skills Center is another great resource. Its all about vocational technical training and offers courses in nursing, electrical, welding, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning), construction, and computer sciences. The center has been around since 1962, providing skills training and job placement for 9,500 graduates. It works closely with Delaware business and develops curricula that matches what Delaware businesses need, so job placement is high. Sounds like a winning formula. Delaware Center for Distance Adult Learning The Delaware Center for Distance Adult Learning, known as DCDAL, focuses on helping adults get their high school diploma or GED, and transition to college. Its mission is to provide a personalized program with quality instruction and support to enable adult learners to become more effective employees, family members, and community participants. This center is closely associated the the James H. Groves Adult High School, which has seven centers throughout the state of Delaware. New Start New Start is an adult learning program for residents of lower New Castle County. Its free, and it offers help with reading, writing, speaking and math. Youll find a ton of information about tutors, which is very attractive to many adult learners. County Info Each county in Delaware has its own programs for adult education. Be sure to check the resources and programs in the county in which you live. And dont forget your local community colleges and universities. You might be surprised how many adult students are on campus. Look for the counselors office and get all your questions answered in the right place. Other Resources Delaware Adult Community Education NetworkEducational Resources for Delaware from ed.govDelaware Works, a workforce investment boardPrivate Schools in Delaware Good luck!
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Peculiar Edgar Allan Poe - 868 Words
â€Å"Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled, whether mad is or is not the loftiest intelligenceâ€â€whether much that is gloriousâ€â€whether all that is profoundâ€â€does not spring from disease of thoughtâ€â€from moods of mind exalted at the expense of the general intellect†(Poe); these are the words of a man born on January 19, 1809. As a child Poe’s parents had passed on making him an orphan. He then went on to live with the family of John Allan who was originally from Richmond, Virginia. During the period of 1815-1820, the family migrated to England. Living in England was beneficial to Poe for the reason that he gained his gothic style that appears so frequently in his work from this area. Although prior to his success challenges†¦show more content†¦A commentator who read the poem revealed his thoughts by declaring that, â€Å"The undeniable power of ‘The Raven’ comes from the inexplicable, overwhelming so rrow at the heart of the poem, conveyed through the narrator’s theatrical passion, grief, and finally, insane desperation†(Edwards 3). This statement was clearly brought to life when Poe published and released â€Å"The Raven†in 1845 which brought money rolling in to help support him with health and economic issues. On the other hand what made the poem so alluring to people was the traumatic effect it had on readers. It left many folks in a cold stiff alarmed by what their mind had just consumed and the haunting repetitive background didnt bring any source of comfort either. The last stanza of â€Å"The Raven†stated that, â€Å"And the Raven never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting / On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door; / And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon’s that is dreaming, / And the lamp-light o’er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor; / And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor / Shall be liftedâ€â€nevermore!†(Poe 103-108), immediately the satanic cadence is brought forth through the vivid descriptions Poe uses. Additionally, reading the poem and listening to a recordedShow MoreRelatedThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe1555 Words  | 7 PagesIn his writing, Edgar Allan Poe has multiple uses of direct and indirect characterization. In The Cask of Amontillado, Montresor had rules such as â€Å"I must not only punish but punish with impunity. A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser. It is equally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong†(Poe, 2). Poe used indirect characterization to show the reader that Montresor is an unreliable narrator because he justified hisRead MoreThe Big Red by Edgar Allan Poe1115 Words  | 5 PagesEdgar Allan Poe had a peculiar way with his work. He was adopted early in his life to be spared from poverty and h eartache (Roberts and Zweig 226). But in the Big Read it is stated that he still felt a satisfaction from women’s suffering. Poe just wanted to be a writer and followed his passion into judging others work to support himself (Roberts and Zweig 226). Some say that he is selfish and indulgent. Sadly the death of Poe is still a mystery but his works affect people’s lives on a daily basisRead MoreEdgar Allan Poes Use of Descriptive Language in The Pit and the Pendulum1609 Words  | 7 PagesEdgar Allan Poes Use of Descriptive Language in The Pit and the Pendulum Edgar Allan Poe has been known for writing stories of mystery and horror. He has composed poems dealing with the occult. He favors those themes and ideas that people shy away from, death, pain, suffering, torture, terror, and fear. His gothic stories burn fright into the hearts of the reader or leave them with a sense of remorse for Poes poor and unfortunate characters. Not many people have ever thought aboutRead MoreLiterary Critics Of Edgar Allan Poe1693 Words  | 7 PagesEdgar Allan Poe is credited to be one of the best writers, editors, and literary critics of all time. His poetry and short stories are what majority of people recognize him for. His long and intriguing stories about mystery and the macabre are just some examples of his classic writings. At first, Edgar Allan Poe was referred to as the inventor of the modern detective story and a specialist in the science fiction genre. It was not until later in his life that people began to acknowledge him as oneRead MoreAnalysis Of The Dream In The Black Cat1146 Words  | 5 Pageshit them with an axe and seal them into a wall. The narrator does this to his wife. The narrator claims that it was â€Å"a series of mere household events†and that â€Å"from [his] infancy [he] was noted for the docility and humanity of [his] disposition†(Poe 349). Murder is not a mere household event, and â€Å"[t]he narrator cannot understand that his assault upon another person derives from his own moral sickness and unbalance†(Gargano 828). While later on he admits that he is an alcoholic, the narrator hasRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe and the Horror Story Essay1401 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"’Villains!’ I shrieked, ‘dissemble no more! I admit the deed! –tear up the planks! here, here! - It is the beating of his hideous heart!’†(Poe). Edgar Allan Poe, a brilliant writer and poet, is well known for his creation of the horror short story and mystery novel. He has written suspenseful short-stories such as â€Å"The Raven†and â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†where in both stories it has the reader on edge till the very end. For example, â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†is about the main character taking care of anRead MoreMurder Of The American Detective1694 Words  | 7 PagesMorgue is one of Edgar Allan Poe’s more famous literary works. Arguably. Poe may be called the father of the American detective story with his trilogy involving Det. Dupin in Murders in the Rue Morgue, the Purloined Letter, and the Mystery of Marie Roget. Poe uses the peculiar eccentricities of hero Detective C. Augustus Dupin to make these mysteries enthralling to the reader. Dupin is purported to be the forerunner to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s genius detective Sherlock Holmes. Poe created a new genreRead More Comparing Poe’s Fall of the House of Usher and Taylor’s Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time1069 Words  | 5 PagesEdgar Allan Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher and Peter Taylor’s Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time Various authors develop their stories using gothic themes and characterizations of this type to lay the foundation for their desired reader response. Although Edgar Allan Poe’s â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher†and Peter Taylor’s â€Å"Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time†are two completely different narratives, both of these stories share a commonality of gothic text representations. The storiesRead MoreYoung Goodman Brown and The Fall of the House of Usher964 Words  | 4 PagesWhile I read, another story came into my mind; the story of the â€Å"Fall of the House of Usher†by Edgar Allan Poe. In Poe’s tale the same heart pounding emotion can be felt as he describes the reunion of two friends within â€Å"the House of Usher.†With the manors â€Å"eye-like windows†and â€Å"sorrowful impression,†Poe wastes no time in setting the Gothic mood. Through their distinct writing styles Hawthorne and Poe establish a c ommon Gothic theme within their stories. In Hawthorne’s story â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†Read MoreThe Fall of the House of Usher1239 Words  | 5 Pageshouse collapsed in the middle of a forest, and no one was around to hear it, did it make a sound? With such wonders, death, and darkness also come the work of Edgar Allan Poe. Edgar Allan Poe is known as a literature legend. He wrote many complicated horror and detective fiction stories, which also represents the artsy twentieth century (â€Å"Poe†1316). Many of his works are poems and short stories. As for his life, it started out pretty gloomily. Both of Poe’s parents had died and he was then sent to
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Critical Essay- “a Piece of Cake†free essay sample
At the start of this book, before Cupcake has her first encounter with drugs-the consumption of alcohol-the reader is told about the moments leading up to her finding her mother dead. Cupcake also adds in snippets of information about her family and lifestyle as she was growing up which give the reader more background information and helps create more of a â€Å"relationship†between them and Cupcake . These first eight pages of the book are the only times the reader gets a glimpse of Cupcake ’s true â€Å"normal†self before her life starts a downward spiral. Unlike what Cupcake becomes when she is â€Å"using†, as a child she is friendly and willing to socialise with other people, â€Å"I was going round to Daddy’s house to play with Kelly, the daughter of his lady friend†, illustrating that she is doing it out of choice, i. e. without being forced to, which suggests that she is happy to have friends and enjoys the company. Like any other child of her age Cupcake is naive, but she soon becomes a lot more knowledgeable on â€Å"streetwise†matters. For example, â€Å"Daddy did have a lady friend, Lori-but to me, she was just that: his friend. , tells us that before she started living on the streets, due to drug abuse, she was unaware of the different kinds of relationships grown ups, and indeed teenagers, can be a part of. Along with these positive characteristics Cupcake had as a young girl, she nevertheless had low self-esteem about her own appearance. The statement â€Å"when I passed the dresser I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, boy was I ugly. †, clearly states that she was self conscious and awkward about her appearance. The children at her school would tease her as well, â€Å"Vette, Vette, looks just like my pet†, which must have lowered her self-esteem even more. Just like any other child, bullying made Cupcake feel unwanted and ugly. This is just the top layer of Cupcakes hatred towards her appearance, as the whilst writing the book she says a lot more degrading things about herself. From the moment Cupcake’s mother unexpectedly dies, her life goes downhill fast. In her foster home, she is abused by a 25-year old man: he gives her her first drink of alcohol and he then rapes her; this first taste of alcohol, at the age of eleven, is where her drug abuse begins. The statements â€Å"whatever it was, I liked it instantly. †and â€Å"the more I drank, the happier I got. indicate that she enjoyed it immediately, making her forget about her problems which is why she gets into drugs in the first place. â€Å"it made me not feel. I liked not feeling. †. As Cupcakes life continues without her mother, she learns a lot more about the harsh world her mother never spoke of and develops strong opinions on what life is about. Throug hout the book she meets prostitutes, pimps, turns ‘tricks’ sells herself, steals and fights as part of a gang. These criminalities all make Cupcake realise that what she, as a young girl growing up in suburbia, thought about society was completely false. This is illustrated by â€Å"the lessons were clear: men only want you for sex; sex means money; money bought necessities like food, shelter, booze and drugs; drugs and booze make life- and the sex- not so bad. †. From this opinion it is easy to realise what Cupcake values as most important in life; money, drugs and booze. She doesnt care how she gets them she just has to get them. It also shows that Cupcake thinks she understands, what life is about, and therefore has lost all naivety due to being thrown into the world that comes with using drugs. Throughout the book the drugs make Cupcake apathetic and antisocial â€Å"I never really bothered with the girls at work- as long as they stayed out of my business, that was good enough for me. †thus telling us that she was not interested in having friends or telling people about her life and general â€Å"chit chat†. This is a change from how she was at the beginning, always going round to Kellys house to play. Just as the use of alcohol and drugs does with any other person, they give Cupcake new-found confidence. The first time she has alcohol she says â€Å"I didnt feel so, dark, black and ugly†. When she has weed and alcohol she says â€Å"with them I could do anything†. Cupcake’s new confidence is not a good thing though, as she has the confidence to do and say things she would never do and say whilst sober. Her mind tells her that it is okay to be blunt and rude to people, that she is better than everybody else, that she is gorgeous, and that she can do anything she wants. This, however, is not true. When she is disrespectful to people she gets herself into a lot of trouble. Unable to stop before it is too late, things often escalate and she ends up getting kicked out of clubs, leading to more dangerous situations as she is alone late at night whilst under the influence. She is also unable to see what a mess she has become. Using drugs completely obscures her vision of reality and gives her a false sense of greatness and self esteem. It is not until towards the end of the book that she sees herself â€Å"properly†for the first time. â€Å"I saw myself, I mean I really saw myself; my arms like toothpicks and my legs as thin as rails. †â€Å"I hadnt brushed my teeth or washed my ass. Hadnt combed my hair or changed my clothes. All I’d been doing was turning tricks, getting high and living- no existing†. It is from this moment that Cupcake decides she needs to quit, not just wants to quit. She take the step of signing up for rehab. She has been so wrapped up in doing everything she can to feed her addiction and has had a false outlook of herself that she has been overlooking her appearance, or refusing to see what other people see. As stated before, the drugs give her a false image of herself. Whilst on the rehab programme, Cupcake goes through even more changes to her attitude. Although she can never get her innocence or naivety back she can however, become a polite and friendly person once again. She does not want to become unconfident again so she has to learn to love herself. Her mentor, Venitia, works through different exercises with Cupcake to help her achieve her ambitions to become a better person. First, she makes Cupcake apologise to everyone she can about how she has offended them. At first Cupcake does not want to do this, she says she is â€Å"embarrassed†, so Venitia says to her â€Å"Oh, now you’re concerned about how you look? You werent concerned when you were throwing shit and acting a damn fool! . Through Venitias help Cupcake slowly comes to terms with how much of a rude and volatile person she was. Cupcake’s proclamation â€Å"From that day forward, I’ve never acted like that again no more physical violence I just didnt like the way belligerent behaviour made me feel. I didn’t like remembering my igno rant conduct. More importantly, I hated making amends. †states that as soon as Cupcake started to think more closely about how she acted she is shocked and wants to change. The next exercise Venitia makes Cupcake do is to write down everything she loves about herself on post-it notes. At first Cupcake does not know what to write â€Å"I responded that I couldn’t think of a single positive thing to say about myself. †. This tells us that now Cupcake is sober she is back to being her old unconfident self. As soon as Cupcake gets into the swing of the exercise they end up using â€Å"two pads of post-its. †. In contrast, this points to what she really thinks about it, there is a lot more about herself that she likes. In conclusion, at the start of the book, when Cupcake was a little girl and did not â€Å"use†she was innocent, naive, pleasant, and unconfident. All that changed when she was hurled into a harsh world without a mother and had to rely on drugs to give her the happiness and confidence she craved. In the middle of the book she loses her innocence, becomes aware of reality; facing a world of horrors we could only imagine, rude, vulgar and vicious and having a false confidence which was supplied only by alcohol and drugs. During the end of the book as Cupcake is â€Å"cleaning up†she learns to be respectful towards others, even if they do something which she doesnt like, be confident without the use artificial factors, and most importantly she learns to love herself for who she is.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Concept of the US Two Presidencies
The concept of the US being ruled by two centers of power was introduced by Wildavsky in 1966 (Fleisher, Bond, Krutz, and Hanna 4; Wildavsky 23). The author argued that one presidency was involved in ensuring domestic affairs of the country were maintained as intended.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Concept of the US Two Presidencies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The other presidency focused on ensuring that the US was maintaining good relations with other nations and the nation reacted in response to external aggression (Wildavsky 23). I find merit to the idea that the US should adopt a system that is characterized by two executives. One of the executives should focus on domestic policy while the other one should concentrate on foreign policy. The importance of foreign policy cannot be overstated. The aspect is essential because the US exists within the context of the international community. For example , the country needs to maintain its good relations with the existing trade partners as well as with the aspiring trade partners. Also, the superpower has to protect its citizens from any form of external aggression that could destabilise the economy of the country. The statements about the need to focus on foreign policy do not underestimate the pivotal impact of domestic policy. One presidency has to ensure that the internal affairs of the country are running so that it can be on track with regard to economic growth. The evidence for the need of two presidencies could be traced to the World War II, when it was demonstrated that the presidency had more powers to execute duties with regard to foreign policy than those related to domestic policy.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The role of the presidency during the time of World War II was so essential in protecting the interests of Am ericans both locally and internationally. Currently, the president has the power to act in response to terrorist attacks that affect its citizens or other countries across the world. In fact, the presidency can order at any time for the deployment of the US military to the affected areas. In the recent past, the presidency ordered for the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, which were regarded as the centers of terrorism across the world. The illustrations reflect the importance of having a presidency with the power to commit resources to foreign missions. Such powers are vested in the presidency. For example, the power of a Commander –in-Chief gives the president the authority to command the military to invade foreign countries (Wildavsky 28). The presidency reacted in a swift manner during the attack on South Korea and accumulation of powerful missiles in Cuba. In fact, even the general public expects that the presidency has to act in response to external insecurity issues. I n order to act on domestic matters, the presidency has to win the support of the Congress (Fleisher et al 5; Wildavsky 30). For example, the presidency could have a bright idea of improving accessibility of healthcare by the US citizens, but such a move cannot be passed without the support of a majority number in the Congress.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Concept of the US Two Presidencies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Thus, the presidency has limited powers to commit resources toward domestic affairs unlike those intended for foreign policy. In conclusion, there is a need to adopt a governing system that has two presidencies that could have independent powers. One presidency would focus improving domestic policy while the other one would concentrate on ensuring that the US has an excellent platform of foreign policy. This could be essential in the context of an increasing demand for protection against terrorists and the need to improve domestic policy of the country. Works Cited: Fleisher, Richard, Jon R. Bond, Glen S. Krutz, and Stephen Hanna. â€Å"The demise of the two presidencies.†American Politics Research 28.1 (2000): 3-25. Print. Wildavsky, Aaron. â€Å"The two presidencies.†Society 35.2 (1998): 23-31. Print. This essay on The Concept of the US Two Presidencies was written and submitted by user Hezekiah Burt to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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